Support the Game

Help support the development of Quaver by donating

Quaver Team

If you would like to support the development of Quaver, you can do so by donating. By purchasing a donator subscription, you get a few extra perks that are meant to make the game a bit more enjoyable.

Reasons to Donate

Support The Developers

The developers of Quaver create this project out of pure love and passion for the game.

Pay For Server & Maintenance Costs

Although Quaver is a free game, it costs quite a bit to keep it up and running. The cost to run increases as more players join the game.

No Ads

Quaver does not have ads anywhere on our website or in-game and never will.

Tournament Prize Pools

We'd love to be able to give back to the players by providing prize pool money for tournaments.

Music Licensing

To provide more official & licensed content such as bundled tracks, some music artists require licensing fees.


Scoreboards on Every Map

View and compete on scoreboards for any map even if it is unranked or unsubmitted.

These scores do not count towards global rankings however.

Profile Customizables

You're able to customize your profile banner
and add an "about me" section.

Country, Friend, & All Scoreboards

Get access to more scoreboard filters and improve your gameplay experience.

Discord Server Role & Private Channel

If you’re a member of our Discord server, you have the ability to get an exclusive donator role and channel.

Username Changes

Don’t like your current name? You get the ability to change your username once a month.

In-game Chat Badge & Color

Donator also comes with an exclusive in-game chat color and badge to stand out amongst the masses!

Pinned Scores
Coming Soon

You can pin up to 15 of your favorite scores on your user profile.

Spectating Multiplayer Matches

You can right click a multiplayer match to spectate it.

Multiplayer Map Uploads

Have an unsubmitted map and want to share with others in multiplayer? You can do so in just a few clicks.

Increased Upload Slots & Limit

You can upload 20 mapsets per month instead of 10 with a file size of up to 100 MB.

Frequently Asked Questions
When my donator time expires, do I lose access to all features?

Yes. You will lose access to all features including profile customizables when your time expires.

Can my donator subscription be refunded after purchase?

No. Donator subscriptions are non-refundable. Any chargebacks will result in either a revert in your perks or in the worst case, a ban.

Is VAT charged?

Yes, Steam will add a tax upon our base subscription price.

My subscription did not automatically activate after purchasing, what do I do?

Contact us at our support email:

Become a Donator

You have to be logged in to purchase Donator.
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