Festa a.k.a. xi

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Denied For Rank 0/2 Supervisor Votes
Created by: LThirty6
Submitted: over 2 years ago
Last updated: over 2 years ago
Source: BOFU2016
bms, bofu2016, festa, xi, diverse system, evolved chronicles, kalpa
Ranking Supervisor
over 2 years ago

This chart is incredibly out of sync with the music. The offset is very wrong, and actual timing points need to be used to sync the slowdown, not SVs. Consider watching this syncing guide: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bGvR77ezgqI I'd also recommend against slowing it down all the way to 0.27x. The SVs are quite extreme and only used once in the entire chart. the two difficulties are near identical and not enough has been done for them to be considered proper separate difficulties. Make a new chart, dont just make changes to the old one. Chord sizes are inconsistent as well as the charting itself. Notes are left out that were charted before. Rhythms occasionally use incorrect snaps. And i just dont think that charts in general do a good job of representing the music.

Ranking Supervisor
over 2 years ago

I have just denied this mapset from being ranked. Please fix the listed errors and resubmit in 2 weeks.