CG5 - BITE OF 87 (feat. Abdul Cisse)
CG5 (feat. Abdul Cisse

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Created by: JokerShoes
Submitted: about 2 years ago
Last updated: about 2 years ago
Source: CG5 -BITE OF 87 (feat. Abdul Cisse)
CG5,Abdul Cisse,
almost 2 years ago

The source should be left empty, the tags should include "Electronic, Beatboxing" and "CG5, Abdul Cisse" should be removed. The title should just be "BITE OF 87" and the Artist should be "CG5 (Feat. Abdul Cisse)". The BPM should be 108 with an offset of 2935. The chart itself is dumped poorly, with chords not syncing up to any of the vocals they're trying to be mapped to. A lot of the chart feels disconnected from any sort of musical representation and every pattern feels arbitrarily placed. It's hard to pinpoint exact instances of awkward patterning because the entire chart is just that, nothing works here. Please try a different, more simple concept as you are likely new to mapping as a whole. It's also advisable to chart songs with a more straightforward structure

almost 2 years ago

I have just denied this mapset from being ranked. Please fix the listed errors and resubmit in 2 weeks.