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Denied For Rank 0/2 Supervisor Votes
Created by: cevicherico
Submitted: about 2 years ago
Last updated: about 2 years ago
Source: Beat Saber
Beat-Saber, Final-Boss-Chan, Camellia
Ranking Supervisor
almost 2 years ago

Apply +43 offset to map using edit > apply offset to map. A lot of good ideas here, unfortunately the chart suffers for a large lack of consistency, and poor song representation in a lot of areas such as in "Crazy [NEW]" the quad usage at 3354|1,3354|2,3354|3,3354|4,3726|4,3726|3,3726|2,3726|1 in the beginning section feels very overcharted in terms of difficulty progression and the intensity of the song, as well as the proceeding jack section at 15093. Blatantly ignored sounds such as the synth at 16770, 17516, 17795 etc. Poorly charted sections such as these 32nd (1/8) streams into quad transitions at 50729|1,50776|2,50822|3,50869|4,50916|3,50962|2, this doesn't feel good to play or represent the build well. The anchor jack sections at 60373 should at least have the next section mirrored for a bit more balancing of hands (possibly mirror 62981). More inconsistent quad usage found at 73043|4,73043|3,73043|2,73043|1 when compared to 72298|4,72298|3,72298|2,72298|1,72670|1,72670|2,72670|3,72670|4 for the kick/snare in this section. Long note section at 120932 feels very out of place when it's in a largely rice focused chart, ignoring the drum buildup entirely as well. Uncharted sections such as 146087 possibly removed for emphasis but it ends up just feeling weird, and lastly this dense chordjack section at 183354 does very poorly to represent the song, with no density changes despite there being obvious changes in the song throughout. This has a lot of solid ideas as mentioned but has way too many issues to be ranked.

Ranking Supervisor
almost 2 years ago

I have just denied this mapset from being ranked. Please fix the listed errors and resubmit in 2 weeks.