sing sing red indigo

Created by: Qweet25
Submitted: almost 2 years ago
Last updated: almost 2 years ago
Source: A Dance of Fire and Ice: Neo Cosmos OST
tech, dump, insane, SV
BPM: 152
Length: 2:06
Passes/Fails: 3 / 185

WHAT? How did you get into Quaver? This wasn't supposed to happen ! You should be in ADOFAI right now ! I don't know how you got here it doesn't matter now, since you're here already the only way you can escape and go back to ADOFAI is to pass these maps ! See the trick here is that one of them is a standard map but to escape you HAVE to pass the SV version, unfortunately for you It's IMPOSSIBLE to pass it meaning you'll be stuck here forever !!! YOU should've stayed in ADOFAI and keep the natural rhythm of the universe in order !

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