Updated: 4yrs ago
Uploaded: 4yrs ago
Submitted: 4yrs ago




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Crystal Trance bms of fighters rice moongate
4 years ago
I have just denied this mapset from being ranked. Please fix the listed errors and resubmit in 3 days.
4 years ago
Beginner diff feel really underwhelming, simply putting one note every kick would be more interesting as it's really way too undermapped right now even for a beginner. Easy diff doesn't follow the rule of mapping the instrumental sound toward the ending, also avoid 45261 on a easy difficulty, even if the sound is the same, it's acceptable in a normal diff. On Normal diff, please don't avoid putting note on kick like at 13497 as that sound are really important. The consistency of the density on the Hard diff is pretty out of place, such as 16850, why is there 2 notes in that melody when it's nowhere else, 35379 to 39614 is inconsistent in density with each sound, etc. In Advanced diff, you also have density with the melody, except you mapped the melody and melody+kick both as jump making inconsistent difference between sound. Insane have same issues as advanced. Extra have same issues. I could actually goes on but i think you get it at this point, everything is inconsistent in density with every sound in all difficulty. Also offset is wrong, add 30 in "Edit>Apply Offset to Map"
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