Photon Melodies (TAKU INOUE Remix)
Photon Maiden

Created by: overjacking
Submitted: over 1 year ago
Ranked: over 1 year ago
Source: D4DJ Groovy Mix
KGB Official, Ainer, Jindax, Dig Delight Direct Drive, フォトンメイデン, Izumo Saki, 出雲 咲姫, Tsumugi Risa, 紡木 吏佐, Nijima Ibuki, 新島 衣舞紀, Maeshima Ami, まえしま あみ, Hanamaki Towa, 花巻 乙和, Iwata Haruki, 岩田 陽葵, Fukushima Noa, 福島 ノア, Satou Hinata, 佐藤 日向, japanese, english, electronic, anime, video game, jack, sv
BPM: 135
Length: 2:05
Passes/Fails: 2252 / 1676


thanks to @KGB Official and @Jindax for the gd
photon maiden is banger, taku inoue is god

Leaderboard Ranked
# Grade Player Perf. Rating Accuracy Max Combo Marvelous Perfect Great Good Okay Miss Mods Date
1 SS CL mikeneko asmr 33.35 99.71% 871x 764 105 2 0 0 0 1.9x 1y
2 SS CA greg gaming 33.15 99.61% 871x 718 152 0 1 0 0 1.9x 1y
3 SS CL Kyouyama Kazusa 33.11 99.59% 871x 722 146 3 0 0 0 1.9x 1y
4 SS US ERA Puzzle 32.67 99.37% 871x 707 156 8 0 0 0 1.9x 1y
5 SS US Ouro Kronni 32.57 99.31% 871x 685 179 6 1 0 0 1.9x, Mirror 9mo
6 SS RU ZeronT 31.63 99.46% 871x 702 165 3 1 0 0 1.8x 1y
7 SS US averry 31.26 99.27% 871x 662 202 6 1 0 0 1.8x, Mirror 1y
8 SS BR zombiebeatz2000 30.87 99.06% 871x 650 208 13 0 0 0 1.8x 3mo
9 SS US JappyDaGod 30.27 99.25% 871x 709 151 11 0 0 0 2.0x 5mo
10 S US puffyfromyoutub 30.11 98.65% 871x 640 209 21 1 0 0 1.8x 1y
11 S US ImAlwaysTired 29.86 98.51% 415x 604 249 16 0 0 2 1.8x 1y
12 SS ID PuryYTrythmZ 29.86 99.55% 871x 666 204 1 0 0 0 1.7x 9mo
13 S US soapywater 29.83 97.87% 858x 683 161 20 3 1 3 1.9x 4mo
14 SS US muunii 29.37 99.28% 487x 692 173 5 0 0 1 1.7x, Mirror 4mo
15 S US ATP g0obr 29.30 98.20% 810x 634 214 19 1 0 3 1.8x 1y
16 S KR dgddgd 29.05 98.33% 869x 635 218 12 4 1 1 1.75x 1y
17 S US keise 29.02 98.04% 396x 669 185 8 4 1 4 1.8x 1y
18 S ID astrphell 28.51 98.79% 871x 631 227 11 1 1 0 1.7x 1y
19 S US Exyen 28.35 98.18% 871x 602 239 27 3 0 0 2.0x 4mo
20 S BR AnzuDreamz 28.04 97.76% 555x 569 265 34 2 0 1 1.75x 8mo
21 S RU ATP TweekFan 27.95 98.78% 871x 628 225 17 1 0 0 1.65x 1y
22 S US dnail 27.82 98.38% 598x 620 230 18 1 0 2 1.7x 1y
23 S US ESV Sweetplum 26.88 96.80% 455x 608 224 27 6 2 4 1.8x 8mo
24 S US opkyu 26.76 97.75% 693x 588 247 33 1 0 2 1.7x 1y
25 S BR Sy4n0 26.66 96.06% 843x 567 254 34 10 3 3 1.9x 1y
26 S PE LawXD 26.52 95.94% 463x 524 288 46 7 0 6 1.95x 1y
27 S CA DommyMommy ASMR 26.50 97.08% 748x 617 204 44 4 1 1 2.0x 3mo
28 S PL AstonishedPuppe 26.42 95.91% 772x 579 240 39 5 4 4 1.9x 4mo
29 S AR Nh5 26.26 96.43% 483x 527 286 51 3 0 4 1.8x 7mo
30 S US KGB Official 26.25 97.44% 387x 549 287 28 4 0 3 1.7x 1y
31 S PL m a u 26.23 98.89% 487x 668 194 5 2 0 2 1.55x 1y
32 S FR Borealiss 26.21 97.41% 834x 582 247 35 6 0 1 1.7x 1y
33 S US HJPboss 25.99 96.76% 259x 669 161 29 5 2 5 2.0x 1y
34 S PE jOsE910 25.86 97.46% 863x 569 262 33 6 0 1 1.85x 1y
35 S PE dsdasdas 25.45 96.43% 391x 590 239 32 1 3 6 2.0x 4mo
36 S FI sSolle 25.04 98.13% 523x 622 220 27 0 0 2 1.55x 1y
37 S US Wanari 24.28 95.18% 343x 529 280 46 6 3 7 1.8x 6mo
38 S ID vinex123 23.88 96.22% 375x 519 294 50 3 1 4 1.65x 1y
39 S GB Lepus4 23.86 95.90% 487x 481 328 50 8 1 3 1.7x 9mo
40 S US Angl4tch 23.65 96.07% 700x 536 272 55 3 1 4 Mirror, 1.65x 1y
41 S CN Shaller 23.57 98.05% 534x 580 268 18 2 0 3 1.6x 1y
42 S RU Kweerit 23.43 95.91% 487x 499 305 60 3 2 2 1.65x 2mo
43 S BY DonJuano 23.19 98.14% 693x 595 249 23 3 0 1 1.45x 3mo
44 S RU Vorpis 22.74 95.13% 546x 554 262 33 11 3 8 1.7x 3mo
45 S VN Techie Folf 22.67 97.42% 547x 575 264 26 1 1 4 1.6x 1y
46 S GB NotoriHere 22.63 98.51% 871x 645 205 19 1 1 0 1.5x 1y
47 S US SsrVoid 22.39 98.31% 482x 676 176 14 1 0 4 1.4x 2mo
48 S CA HydraFlare778 22.36 96.29% 435x 510 290 67 3 0 1 1.55x 1y
49 S BR Dog Hero 22.35 96.29% 457x 532 280 49 7 1 2 1.55x 8mo
50 S US greg gaming 3 22.11 98.13% 861x 632 217 15 5 1 1 1.5x 1y