Over My Head (Better Off Dead)
Sum 41

Created by: Subtlr
Submitted: over 1 year ago
Last updated: over 1 year ago
Source: Does This Look Infected?
electronic, rock, english, Steve Jocz, Greig Nori, Deryck Whibley, Greig Nori, punk, 2003, Island, Σ41, metal, pop, melodic, hardcore, canada, chordjack, delay, chordstream, stamina
BPM: 184.2
Length: 2:27
Passes/Fails: 8 / 5

guys idk if Σ41 is even a valid tag i just put it there because i remember that Σ is the symbol for sum lol

breakcore version is poopoo
bg is related to the music, sum 41 is from ontario so i put ontario in bg 😁
i need a light insane…………….


  1. Hypocrisy is a chordstream map with like no breaks so you need a lot of stamina :D
  2. Heavy Insane is a less dense version of Hypocrisy and with less chordstreams. (some being changed to chordjack)
  3. Advanced is a 1/2 chordstream map with some bursts, wanted to make a normal but the diff became yellow so I changed the diff name to Advanced lol
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