Updated: 9mos ago
Uploaded: 2yrs ago
Submitted: 2yrs ago

Sunshine, but it's Tails Doll only...

LPassy96, MarStarBro, Uptaunt, Squeak

Friday Night Funkin': Vs....

No description
rock remix
9 months ago
I have just denied this mapset from being ranked. Please fix the listed errors and resubmit in 2 weeks.
9 months ago
just wrote a super long message and it got deleted. will do a brief summary:

timing offset is slightly wrong so please apply -20ms offset for both difficulties using edit -> apply offset to map.

overall your density usage for the chart seems all over the place using jumps for vocals in some sections and putting hands on certain finishes but then not really doing it consistently, omitting notes like 121236 and 123236 for the percussion when you really shouldn't because of how jarring it feels, the usage of constant one handed trills on the left hand is an odd decision as well but i can respect it. i think the main problem is your use of pitch relevancy for the vocals really starts to eat in to the playability not to mention you forget to place down some triplets for the vocals in sections like 151379 and a few other spots. it just feels super messy to me as a whole. the level of difficulty consistency to me as well is very important and the spikes do come at very unexpected moments. there's no bias against you or fnf, personally i have issues with both difficulties on this set and i don't think it is close to being rankable in it's current state.

quick side note: i'd like to remind you that the ranking supervisors don't get paid for doing any of this work, and insulting them isn't a very big show of appreciation. if you'd like to resubmit this again in the future i'd be happy to look at it for you but currently as it stands i will be denying this from ranking. if you submit this again and show no signs of changes and/or suggestions or any revisions for me to look at i'll be blacklisting it. thank you
9 months ago
I have just re-submitted my mapset for rank!
9 months ago
There is more I could say here, but I will conclude with this. I found the ranking team's handling of this map to be highly unprofessional and helpful, and most of the feedback provided was either vague and unworkable ("poorly executed"), a thinly-veiled insult directed at me ("lackluster", "hastily put together"), or just plain incorrect (109827, etc).

I have made minor changes to the map and will re-submit for rank, but I have not addressed ANY of the feedback or issues mentioned by the team. As shown by the points above, none of the issues raised are real. I genuinely struggle to think of why this was handled so poorly, and can only conclude that the rules are being bent against me because the team has some sort of arbitrary vendetta against maps based on FNF.
9 months ago
Due to the first point above, I did not (and still do not) believe that anything was actually wrong with the original map, so I preserved it with minor changes as the 'Hard Lite' difficulty, while making changes according to 2nil's advice in the new 'Hard' difficulty. This also leads me to assume your decision was made in bad faith, as the 'Hard' difficulty very clearly did take into consideration the "issues" pointed out by 2nil. Even if I believe the original was perfectly fine, I admit that the new version I made due to the first rejection is an even better map.

Finally, to end on some miscellaneous notes. You cite 67827 and 105827 as being biased towards the left hand, which is true, but those patterns are very short. Are you implying any map with a short pattern on one hand isn't acceptable for ranked status? If it were a very long pattern on one hand, I would understand why that might be an issue. In fact, my map even contains such a pattern elsewhere, which neither person cited as an issue, lending further credence to the idea that you did not actually play/review the map properly. I digress; arguing that a short pattern on one hand is unacceptable simply doesn't make sense. As for the "justification" for said patterns, I did not expect to have to explain that I used the same notes repeatedly because the song played the same sounds repeatedly.
9 months ago
I did not comment on it previously because I simply was not invested enough in this map's ranked status, but coming back to it now, I must say that the ranking team's treatment of it and me throughout this process have been borderline unprofessional and even amateurish.

Firstly, most of the points raised against the map becoming ranked are baseless and not actual requirements for ranking. There is no rule that states that a map must represent all parts/instruments of a song as 2nil implied; in fact, I can point to examples of ranked maps I've downloaded which do exactly that, primarily or exclusively mapping only one part. Similarly, not mapping any particular sound, such as what you pointed out at 109827, isn't exactly a damning offense, either.

Similarly, whether a map is "interesting" or not, or you find it "boring", isn't a valid consideration for ranking, either. Furthermore, I would argue that the map contains some incredibly unique and distinctive patterns. I genuinely cannot fathom how anyone came to the conclusion that it is "bare" or "hastily put together" or that it plays "boringly".

This brings me to my second point: I can only conclude that the ranking team were very hasty in the ranking process and did not actually play or examine the map enough to properly consider it for ranking. Obviously, the claim it is "boring" is one example. For another, I shall bring up how you specifically cited the lack of a note at 109827 as an issue. However, that was blatantly untrue; even before the minor changes I made today, there already WAS a double note at 109827, just only on the 'Hard' difficulty. You cited a specific part of the song as an issue without even double-checking that part of the song on both difficulties, which almost leads me to believe you didn't look at the 'Hard' difficulty at all.
Diederich OIsen
Diederich OIsen
11 months ago
I have just denied this mapset from being ranked. Please fix the listed errors and resubmit in 2 weeks.
Diederich OIsen
Diederich OIsen
11 months ago
The problems pointed out by 2nil isn't fixed at all.

The representation and consistency of patterns are poorly executed (e.g. 67827 & 105827 are very biased towards the left hand and there isn't any justifications to that, meanwhile there are no notes to represent prominent sounds in the song like 109827)
1 year ago
I have just re-submitted my mapset for rank!
1 year ago
I have just denied this mapset from being ranked. Please fix the listed errors and resubmit in 2 weeks.
1 year ago
While there isn't anything particularly wrong with the style of charting you're going for here, it just doesn't compliment the song well and ends up playing pretty boringly. Having a chart only consist of one part of the song without expanding on the other complex or unique elements about it makes for a very lackluster chart and isn't entirely fit for being ranked. A way to fix this would be to have a more expressive structure and layering for sounds, such as placing chords or LNs on some parts of the instrumental. As it stands now the structure is so bare and hastily put together that it isn't really rankable in this state

Also, include the genre and other related things in the tags. (Don't repeat phrases that show up in other metadata locations)
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