Updated: 4yrs ago
Uploaded: 4yrs ago
Submitted: 4yrs ago

Snowy Endroll


Homocide Vol. 1

Created by

Jumpstream and Stamina

speedcore volume. breakcore hardcore one deer
4 years ago
I have just denied this mapset from being ranked. Please fix the listed errors and resubmit in 3 days.
4 years ago
Denied due to mapset being abandoned by the mapper
4 years ago
I have just put this mapset on hold, which means that minor issues have been found in the mapset and we are waiting for a fix with a map update. Please fix the listed errors and update the mapset.
4 years ago
Whoopsie--the last BPM lines of the song all have notes that are white/unsnapped (and some of the BPM lines might be mistimed too, might wanna see if that may be the case). You can see it better if you have a skin with snap coloring. Once fixed or if there's a response I'll check over the set again.
4 years ago
I have added +1 vote for this mapset!
4 years ago
I have just re-submitted my mapset for rank!
4 years ago
Ahh big bruh moment, big bruh moment
Fixed that issue with the offset.
"Most of the calm parts completely ignore pitch relevance." Yes, i know. Won't change that since that doesnt really matters for the player
Ok most of these "ugly to play patterns" or "wrong snap issues" are mostly on purpose (bc technical duh) so theres no need at all to change them, but some were true so they got fixed. Like 44464|4 or 101761|2.
Hmm it seems you didnt understand the pattern after 125545|1. It is kinda hard to hear x). So after 125545|1 there is a new bell sound or something and then the tripple note smashing pattern stops appearing bc i then i map the bell sound with 3 notes. It's a bit complicated but you get for sure.
Playability errors? Bro, thats just the pattern you need to play, thats not a error xD. it's meant to be hard af.
"The long jumptrill section seems lazy to say the least" What the hell am i supossed to do then x). But ye changed the pattern a bit after the percussion change.
So if i applied all your mods my map would go from "technical and jumpstream" to just "jumpstream" and thats boring.
Sorry if you dont agree with me
4 years ago
I have just denied this mapset from being ranked. Please fix the listed errors and resubmit in 3 days.
4 years ago
Set is mistimed by about 16ms. Most of the calm parts completely ignore pitch relevance. The first stream section is copypasted twice, once without even changing anything, despite the fact that the density, pitch relevance and song representation standards in the section allow for a lot of wiggle room. Frequently throughout the stream sections we see anchors which are pretty ugly to play (e.g. 44464|4,44599|4,44734|4,44869|4,45004|4 or 46626|4,46761|4,46896|4,47031|4,47167|4,47302|4,47437|4,47572|4,47673|4,47842|4,47977|4 or 49599|1,49734|1,49869|1,50004|1,50139|1,50275|1,50410|1). Wrong snap usage several times throughout the map (e.g. 53450|4,53518|1,53585|4). Music representation issues as well (e.g. 101761|2,102031|2). Additionally, there is a lot of consistency issues (e.g. 118788|1,118788|2,118856|3,118923|4,118923|1,118991|2,119058|4,119058|3 the sounds are mapped as a jumptrill everywhere else, or 127977|3,127977|2,127977|1,128045|4,128112|1,128112|2,128180|3,128248|4,128248|2,128248|1,128315|3,128383|2,128383|4,128450|1,128518|2,128518|3,128518|4 mapped as a hand/single trill before), all that besides the many playability errors (119329|4,119396|3,119464|4,119531|3,119599|4,119667|3,119734|4,119802|3,119869|4 these long oh-trills are literally only ever on the right hand). The long jumptrill section seems lazy to say the least, especially considering the fact that the percussion changes vastly in the middle of it and the mapping stays precisely the same.
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