I have just denied this mapset from being ranked. Please fix the listed errors and resubmit in 2 weeks.
1 year ago
Sorry SN but I had to deny, the problems were starting to pile up. I modded half of the map until I realized that me tired, the song is just unbearable after 30 minutes of listening. The problems mostly stay the same for the 2nd half so wouldn't be that hard to check. In short, this map has a lot of inconsistencies and some plain and boring parts that could've been made better.
I've put the mods I cooked in the modding sections to give you examples of what's wrong with this map, sorry if my words get a bit long, just had a lot to say.
1 year ago
I have fixed the issue + 1 i found myself that wasn't in the on hold message.
1 year ago
I have just put this mapset on hold, which means that minor issues have been found in the mapset and we are waiting for a fix with a map update. Please fix the listed errors and update the mapset.
1 year ago
Some parts need fixes:
43145 - 43812, this section is inaccurate in the LNs(timing, 1/4 is not right - 1/3 sometimes) if what I'm thinking is right, which is that the LNs are representing the synth sound that you seemed to follow through
this applies to the LN sections of this whole map where you followed the synth sounds
75812 - 86478, 83728 and 78395 seems to have the same gap in between the melody switch in the synth however difference shown in the LN length, please adjust this so that it would be more consistant on the length with a reason
97145 - 107812 and 246478 - 265812 shares the same issue. LNs on here doesn't show consistency on the length even though the sound it follows doesn't change so LN length should be more consistent.
other parts seems fine for me. Quick fixes, so on-hold.