I have voted for this mapset!
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sorry that this has been sitting in queue for so long :)
3 months ago
I have voted for this mapset!
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after reviewing every difficulty, my only criticism is that i disagree with the teleport at `43410|1,43410|2` in qweet's difficulty, but i can't say it's objectively wrong
i'm also 20% confident that in the same difficulty, `65281|2,65281|1,65365|3` is not supposed to spaced this far but it fits with the song better than if you "fixed" it
3 months ago
I totally agree with both wolf's and Emik's suggestion on diff names, it's a much simpler solution than to just change them all entirely, thanks for the feedback
3 months ago
The creator has just updated their mapset, and its status has been changed back to Resolved.
3 months ago
gonna chime in here that this spread is interesting and that i have expressed strong disagreement with the previous deny. that being said i also think the diff names should be changed, like i get what you're going for but it's a hard rule that difficulty names should be clear and unambiguous in the ranking criteria, and this continues to be enforced by maps like https://two.quavergame.com/mapsets/35471/ranking. i don't think adding a suffix [Hard], [HD] or whatever is a tall ask.
3 months ago
I have on-hold this mapset because:
The mapset has issues with metadata.
I understand your reasoning for the dif names and I do find it charming, but please fix the dif names to follow some form of difficulty (add on "[hard]" or something after the name to show the progression). Also please add "SV" to the title of the debts dif somehow because I feel it should be clear which ones are sv when they're mixed with non sv maps.
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Good stuff otherwise, but I strongly recommend you fix up the diff names.
Kirisame Marisa
3 months ago
I understand all of that, but I still think 'sv' and 'none sv' shouldn't be counted together.
And diff names should be recognizable at a glance rather than in detail. I understand the order, but I still think it's hard to notice at a glance.
I fully understand your disappointment, but if you're looking at 'all' players, this seems reasonable.
I also played the 'Billing' diff and understood its flow.
It's not that it's bad, but some notes are aggressive and some notes are kind compared to the overall flow of the diff. I think it lacks "detail".
3 months ago
point 1: they're tech charts, agmon's tech is well synced to the music it's his style, riley's diff is more pattern oriented like a cuckson map but overall plays well if you can play at that level
point 2: so u have savings, go and spend them, spend too much? debts, if you don't pay your debts collectors come for it, you can't pay it directly so u get billed each month until your debt is paid
point 3: pattern wise going from Debts diff to collectors diff is quite high yes, but i feel its somewhat well gaped since Debts diff has much harder svs than SaVings diff, for the avg sv player this is well distributed
conclusion: i am very dissapointed with this deny
Kirisame Marisa
3 months ago
I have denied this mapset because:
The mapset contains unrankable difficulties.
Point 1. Billing diff and collectors diff are not rankable.
It's good to focus on specific expressions, but I don't think this is fun to play.
Some are too aggressive and some are weak compared to the diff flow.
I'm sure the overall direction is not wrong, but it needs proper harmony.
Difficulty rebalancing is needed, and some patterns should be set so that both hands are appropriately allocated.
Point 2. The way diff names are named is unclear. It should represent the overall difficulty flow well.
Point 3. It is expressed as hard/insane difficulty overall, but the actual difficulty gap is very large. Please rebalance appropriately. (Except for sv)
6 months ago
I have just submitted my mapset to the ranking queue!