I don't see this song in any album or mixtape, so there's no source then.
3 years ago
I have just put this mapset on hold, which means that minor issues have been found in the mapset and we are waiting for a fix with a map update. Please fix the listed errors and update the mapset.
3 years ago
4K checked
3 years ago
I personally don't think "BMS" is a viable source, consider moving it to the tags
3 years ago
Thank you all. It's all done I guess. Also modified 4K diffs.
3 years ago
There is also three background images, remove the excess ones
Source repeated in tags
3 years ago
I have just put this mapset on hold, which means that minor issues have been found in the mapset and we are waiting for a fix with a map update. Please fix the listed errors and update the mapset.
3 years ago
Checked 7K
"7K Hard"
- `13112` this section has a lot of weird ln releases, I suggest changing them to be snapped to the next ln head
- `45319` the jacks in the section doesn't feel like it follows any pattern, especially 53319 as there are triple jack
- `65653` suggest snapping the ln tail to the next note
- `94741` starting from here the chart feels extremely unbalanced, as seen with double lns all of a sudden and short lns, right after that there is a 1/12 stream, with patterns like `103741|3,103793|2,103846|1,103899|2,103951|3` being hard to play, I think changing the stream to 1/8 would be better for a hard diff [after checking the song again I have confirmed right after 1/6 it is 1/8]
- `108951` this should be in 1/8, change ln to note
"7K Another"
- `16126|3,16758|6` weird ln releases
- `55319` I don't see why this would be a double stair stream
- `89021|7,89063|6,89105|5` I don't think these notes are needed
- `97267` this should be in 1/8
- `109477` random double
3 years ago
I feel like theres a story behind this song
3 years ago
I have added +1 vote for this mapset!
3 years ago
I have just put this mapset on hold, which means that minor issues have been found in the mapset and we are waiting for a fix with a map update. Please fix the listed errors and update the mapset.
3 years ago
Apart from this, I'll put some minor concerns I have right now in the modding section
3 years ago
According to the Ranking Criteria: "the difficulty names in your set must show clear sign of progression in difficulty consistent with that of the mapset and should be easy to interpret."
For 4K part, this is not the case as the two difficulty name doesn't show a clear sign of progression...It seems like the current "Life" part sits somewhere between med-high Normal and low Hard, so you can rename it to "Normal" or "Hard" depending on how you view it and then try to nerf/buff the pattern accordingly
(According to the Ranking Criteria "You are not permitted to skip difficulties for sets with a song length between 0:45-2:29. ", so if you chose to rename it to Normal, you have to create a new Hard difficulty... )
3 years ago
Thanks a lot. I tried my best to make the glitch section more accurate to the actual song, but i was trying to not make it too difficult. I listened carefully to the song this time, so I hope it's better now.
3 years ago
I have just put this mapset on hold, which means that minor issues have been found in the mapset and we are waiting for a fix with a map update. Please fix the listed errors and update the mapset.
3 years ago
[In total]
This mod was given very precisely due to it trying to have a very precise representation of this song.
Hope you could fix this map, as it seems like you did put much effort put into it but it wasn't quite ready for ranked in some sessions in my view.
Already quite prepared map in quality - but these could make this map better in my view.
3 years ago
Current mapset - Another 7K difficulty(I'm a 7K RS)
- 12506 ~ 18082 - I can see what these notes were supposed to represent(glitch sounds) but the problem is, it's not 100% accurate to the actual sound + inconsistent in when these notes were placed while these sections, which means when you actually play it will be quite confusing of what it were trying to show. I suggest you either make this section more accurately to the actual glitch sounds, or make it more simplified to the strings so that it would be accurate in that side.
- 108624 ~ 108940 - Felt quite random, this break - while playtesting it. Suggest you connect this using LNs intead of short notes on timing 108624.
- 14 ~ 44641, 66641 ~ 89010, 109887 ~ 122044 - On the piano chords, two issues.
1) Are you trying to represent them with strums(trills, ex) 69533) or chords(all notes at the same timing, ex) 118754)? Some sounds have strums while you represented them with chords, some chords you represented them with strums - Therefore, inaccurate representation of this sound if you're trying to represent the strums as strums or - inconsistcy issue as it jumps from strums to chords while there being no difference in each sounds. Either make it accurate or consistent, doesn't matter which you choose. Was quite confused while playing.
2) Some chords have 3 notes, 4 notes, 5 notes, the difference I feel it varies by the amount of sounds on the actual piano sounds(like if a chord uses C, E, G for instance, you tried to use 3 notes to represent them) - but some of them were inaccurate. Please fix them to the actual amount of sounds.
3 years ago
* Let's start with the basics(meta and timing, mapset in overall).
- Modify the diff name to 7K Another, 4K Flower
- As the song is less than 2:30, you need to prepare 2 difficulties for each gamemode. This is in the ranking criteria.
- Offset is wrong, adjust it by +12. Hitsounds following the song isn't the offset definition we use, rather if a waveform matches the timing snaps - that's the correct timing point.