Patricia Taxxon

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Denied For Rank 0/2 Supervisor Votes
Created by: HastagGuigui
Submitted: almost 3 years ago
Last updated: almost 3 years ago
Source: n/a
bongo cat, eeeaaaooo
Hikari Zero
almost 3 years ago

deny reason is mostly for hard difficulty but some may apply to medium as well most chord sizes are random, there's also a lot of unnecessary jacks that could be avoided (e.g. 111136). i assume these are the results of an attempt to try and map all sounds and being consistent with how u map them. but for me, this is not a good idea cuz then the map would have random chord sizes throughout the map which causes them to emphasize sounds that shouldnt be emphasized as much (106136|1,106136|2,106136|3,106363|1,106363|3,106363|2), usually these type of chords r used to emphasize/highlight certain sounds in a song or they're used to give more impact to a sound, but this is not the case here. this also leaves unnecessary patterns that r kind of annoying to play (e.g. 111136)

Hikari Zero
almost 3 years ago

i forgor theres no genre in tags and the source should be "The Best Day" (album name)

Hikari Zero
almost 3 years ago

I have just denied this mapset from being ranked. Please fix the listed errors and resubmit in 2 weeks.