I have just put this mapset on hold, which means that minor issues have been found in the mapset and we are waiting for a fix with a map update. Please fix the listed errors and update the mapset.
Kirisame Marisa
3 years ago
I have added +1 vote for this mapset!
3 years ago
I also left one (1!) mod on top diff but it applies to all of them, just didn't want to repeat it
3 years ago
I have just put this mapset on hold, which means that minor issues have been found in the mapset and we are waiting for a fix with a map update. Please fix the listed errors and update the mapset.
3 years ago
It seems like you didn't apply the offset correctly as it is now even more offsync (50ms should be added resulting in the first timing point being at 5158 instead of 5108.
You have not cut the audio yet, the notes need to cover at least 75% of the song. You can add a fade-out if you want, but i advise against that since that requires external handling of the audio file and could mess things up. So a hard cut will do. When you cut the song, please add (Cut Ver.) in the song title (all difficulties). Depending on what software you use to cut, the offset might change AGAIN, so i encourage you to use FFMPEG which doesn't have such negative effect.
For example the command would be 'ffmpeg -i audio.mp3 -t 78.358 -c copy newaudio.mp3' | explanation: ffmpeg starts the program and multiple arguments will change the behavior. -i indicates the audio file, which is audio.mp3. -t means how long you want the export to be, in this case i chose a nice moment to cut the song at 1:18.358. -c copy enters copy mode, meaning the audio will not be re-encoded (changes the least possible stuff and is very fast), and finally newaudio.mp3 will be the destination file that you will use to replace audio.mp3 when the commande is done.
3 years ago
I have just put this mapset on hold, which means that minor issues have been found in the mapset and we are waiting for a fix with a map update. Please fix the listed errors and update the mapset.
3 years ago
Offset of +15ms still on all diffs
The mp3 seems to be above 192kbps (look automod), but weirdly ffmpeg isn't able to process the file. It must have an error. The quality is good now, but there should be a fix to apply on the map. Also, you need to cut the audio so that the map is at least 75% of the song, currently it's below 50%.
You need to re-check timing for some notes, they are not on the correct snap. Maybe I'm wrong and you decided to map something i can't hear, example on top diff : 20343|1
3 years ago
I have just put this mapset on hold, which means that minor issues have been found in the mapset and we are waiting for a fix with a map update. Please fix the listed errors and update the mapset.
3 years ago
There is an offset of +26ms to apply. Also, the quality of the mp3 is extremely low, so while you're at it, if you can please try to fetch a better quality mp3 in the meantime (and potentially re-fix offset accordingly)