Here is a great video explaining anchors:
3 years ago
Still, I dont think theres anything wrong with the anchors. Its just 260bpm, which results in a 130bpm longjack which is 100% playable.
go watch this video and you will see
3 years ago
I have just put this mapset on hold, which means that minor issues have been found in the mapset and we are waiting for a fix with a map update. Please fix the listed errors and update the mapset.
3 years ago
I am going to have to further say you should apply the changes to the anchors in the streams. The map is 260 bpm. The map has a 17, 15 and 19 note anchor. Even if the map is supposed to be "hard", it doesn't excuse the anchors.
You can still make a map without any giant anchors not "a very plain farm" map. The anchors aren't intentional either and are just accidents.
3 years ago
I checked out marisas mods and made some changes
I dont agree with the long anchors being very problematic because the map is supposed to be very difficult to play, it is still at a perfectly playable level. I will keep them because I dont want to make any unnecessary changes to the guest difficulties, unless a serious problem is found.
I actually think that if I were to perfectly balance everything in the map, it might become a very plain farm (and jumptrillable xd) map, but thank you for checking it out anyways I guess
3 years ago
Also, Marisa left some mods in NoNamed's difficulty. Please let both Lynessa and NoNamed know about these so they can improve the mapset!
3 years ago
I have just put this mapset on hold, which means that minor issues have been found in the mapset and we are waiting for a fix with a map update. Please fix the listed errors and update the mapset.
3 years ago
In Lynessa's diff, there is a lot of anchors which are problematic.
149675|2,149790|2,149906|2,150021|2,150136|2,150252|2,150367|2,150482|2,150598|2,150713|2,150829|2,150944|2,151059|2,151175|2,151290|2,151406|2,151521|2,151636|2,151752|2 a 19 note anchor
237829|3,237944|3,238059|3,238175|3,238290|3,238406|3,238521|3,238636|3,238752|3,238867|3,238982|3,239098|3,239213|3,239329|3,239444|3,239559|3,239675|3 17 note anchor and is very right hand biased.
The mapset is just full off anchors which are just way too difficult and can be easily avoided, especially for the song bpm which is 260