Christian Mossuto

Created by: EscritorAnonimo
Submitted: about 3 years ago
Last updated: about 3 years ago
Source: n/a
electro swing, gd
BPM: 126.45
Length: 1:08
Passes/Fails: 12 / 15

This was originally a 7+1K mapset, not converted. Made from scratch. Give it a try :)

Sad that 7k in general isn't that popular.
Anyways, here's a Montpelier image. I love Montpelier.

"Si el 7+1K tiene mil jugadores, yo soy uno de ellos. Si solo tiene uno, ese soy yo. Y si no tiene ninguno, es porque he muerto".

this was me playing with the tag language
spanglish is aquí bro, estoy aburridísimo la puta madre aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

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