At the Speed of Light

Created by: NebelJunior
Submitted: almost 3 years ago
Last updated: almost 3 years ago
Source: Newgrounds,
electronic, FL, sampled, trance, jack, stamina, space,
BPM: 162
Length: 4:03
Passes/Fails: 2 / 65

A map to feed your jack and stamina addiction.

This can be found on Dimrain47's Newgrounds page or on the Newgrounds Audio Portal, this can also be found on many different websites whatsoever.

Dimrain47 has not yet published any albums, so this is not in any album.

Dimrain47's Newground Page:
At the Speed of Light:

"At the Speed of Light" is a journey across galaxies in search for an answer. Imagine all the wonders that may lie in the furthest corners of the universe, just waiting to be discovered.

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