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Denied For Rank 0/2 Supervisor Votes
Created by: hugo says
Submitted: about 2 years ago
Last updated: over 1 year ago
Source: Friday night funkin' Arcade showdown
jumpstream, Friday night funkin', speed
almost 2 years ago

Apply -32 to the offset by going into Edit -> Apply Offset to Map (this chart is being reviewed with the new offset) The chart is kind of sloppy with its chord usage and pattern choices. The section at 24615 is a good example of unfavorable executions of patterning. Only charting to the vocals here makes for poor representation, and is generally just uninteresting and not very fitting for other sections of this chart. The way jumps are charted overall doesn't seem to be consistent, and this may be because of how off-sync the chart is. 46692 is an example of odd chord consistencies, with jumps seemingly placed for the sake of there being jumps. The dense streams starting at 49615 aren't very fitting and can easily just be replaced with jumpstreams like the rest of the chart has played up to this point. This is just the first 50 seconds and entire sections need reworking, as well as the entire chart as these issues persist throughout. I'd advise you to go back through the chart and make your ideas a bit clearer as well as execute them better. On top of this, you should work on how you represent the song in certain areas

almost 2 years ago

Tags should include the genre, and the source should be FNF VS Kapi: Arcade Showdown

almost 2 years ago

I have just denied this mapset from being ranked. Please fix the listed errors and resubmit in 2 weeks.

hugo says
over 1 year ago

I have just re-submitted my mapset for rank!

Ranking Supervisor
over 1 year ago

Offset was not applied. Notes are still out of sync. even If the chart was properly synced there are sections where notes are improperly offset by 1/4 such as the opening. This is a significant issue throughout the whole chart. Consider watching this guide on proper syncing:

Ranking Supervisor
over 1 year ago

I have just denied this mapset from being ranked. Please fix the listed errors and resubmit in 2 weeks.