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toby fox

Created by: silentch
Submitted: over 5 years ago
Last updated: about 5 years ago
Source: Undertale
Undertale toby fox
BPM: 180
Length: 0:31
Passes/Fails: 20 / 65

light patterns, for beginners <3
For Ranking Supervisors - With new ranking criterias - mapset must contain only one audio file. But this all diff's has different mp3's, because they are conceptualy. All diff's reflect the tracks from lv0 to lv6, like in Undertale. And in a couple - all track has one leitmotif, lv0 has 1 instrument, lv6 has 5 instrument's, but all tracks as the same. Together, they reflect all "main menu" theme. It very enjoyable and fun to play for beginners.
I hope that there will be an exception about this.

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