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Denied For Rank 0/2 Supervisor Votes
Created by: Appe
Submitted: almost 2 years ago
Last updated: almost 2 years ago
Source: DanceDanceRevolution 5thMIX
Dancemania SPEED 6, Sped Up Ver., DDR, Paula Terry, English, Video Game, Rhythm Game, Electronic, Remix
over 1 year ago

offset is clearly wrong with comparing with waveform the middle chordjack section uses different chords for the same sounds sometimes there's just 1/2 jumpstream where the jumps don't really correspond to anything in the music, which makes them kinda uninteresting to play

over 1 year ago

I have just denied this mapset from being ranked. Please fix the listed errors and resubmit in 2 weeks.

over 1 year ago

"offset is clearly wrong with comparing with waveform " waveform is clearly not correct, in this case, to check the offset, try listening it in 0.5x speed, it's almost perfectly synced, that waveform delay is obviously wrong, as i already tried to put an offset which corresponded to the visual wave and it resulted to be wrong. "the middle chordjack section uses different chords for the same sounds " isn't that something that can be fixed with mods? try giving some examples on what you mean and i'll try fixing them accordingly "sometimes there's just 1/2 jumpstream where the jumps don't really correspond to anything in the music, which makes them kinda uninteresting to play " same as above, your reasoning could benefit of more examples of patterns which, in your opinion, seem to be "uninteresting" or "not corresponding to the song" the basic idea of the song is, in the jumpstream section, having jumps snapped to vocals and instrumental kick/claps, which makes sense to me. once more, if there are any more concerns, please write a more detailed post next time, instead of randomly denying songs with the most random excuses :) i don't even know if this message will reach you but anyway it's kinda lame to "fix the listed errors" while they are lame, vague and bland. thank you for denial! :D