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Denied For Rank 0/2 Supervisor Votes
Created by: TheDyingLegend
Submitted: about 2 years ago
Last updated: about 2 years ago
Source: Cyphisonia E.P.
Electronic dance music, Dubstep, Electro house, Drum and bass, Bass house,
Ranking Supervisor
almost 2 years ago

the most conclusive way i can talk about this is "yet another failed attempt at mapping the very famous song by Camellia named GHOST" ⠀ here are all the issues your map has: - Background.png is unused, remove it from your map folder. (this isn't an issue yet but it'll be implemented in the ranking criteria very soon) - your background is clearly bloated. although it meets the 1280x720 resolution rule, it is obviously zoomed in (up to the point you can see the image being pixelated, which also violates this part of the rule: "and of exceptionally high quality". please use another background. - the BPM of the map is wrong, it should be 220BPM. - and finally to the most major part, the map itself. it... is indescribable. overall a jumbled mess with tons of problems i can point out. offsync notes (partly due to the wrong BPM), unfitting patterning, unreasonably uncomfortable gameplay, inconsistencies everywhere, questionable SVs, i'm quite sure it doesn't take a mapping genius to tell that this map isn't ready at all. you're definitely still quite new to mapping (despite this being ur 3rd uploaded map), and going for rank isn't the current way. you need to pick up more experience before attempting something like "getting a map ranked" or so. maybe try looking at ranked maps and see how they connect with the song? idk, there are lots of stuffs you can do to improve. i regret to say that this is getting denied. better luck next time o/

Ranking Supervisor
almost 2 years ago

I have just denied this mapset from being ranked. Please fix the listed errors and resubmit in 2 weeks.