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Created by: The One Booty
Submitted: over 1 year ago
Last updated: about 1 year ago
Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vrv3xKGcrQ4
phonk, stamina
Ranking Supervisor
12 months ago

- Youtube link is not a valid source leave as N/A (I cant find anything on this song other than it was a single) - every single diff is off sync - make the first timing point the same bpm (250) at 30ms and not the weird one you had before and resnap all the notes - [Under Limit diff] 7697|2 to 10457|4 you are missing alot of notes by ignoring the sound may be intentional but just plays weirdly - [Under Limit diff] 57617|3 why is this part long LNs when at the start it was jacks when they are the same sound -[Super Fast diff] why is the section at 11537|3,11537|4 less dense than the buildup to it its almost the same as the chorus where its dense -[Super Fast diff] every single time you do a quad at the sound like 26657|3,26657|4,26657|2,26657|1 is not a quad with how you are laying this diff -Other 2 diffs are ok same issues as mention off sync resnap later

Ranking Supervisor
12 months ago

I have just denied this mapset from being ranked. Please fix the listed errors and resubmit in 2 weeks.