Diastrophism ("Anamorphism" Long Ver.)

Created by: Symmatrix
Submitted: over 1 year ago
Ranked: over 1 year ago
Source: jubeat clan
akiwi, amamya, cametek, かめるかめりあ, kamelcamellia, long version, speedcore, the 7th kac, konami arcade championship, xroniàl xéro, Xronial Xero, electronic, rock, instrumental, video game, PCCA-04883
BPM: 228
Length: 4:14
Passes/Fails: 15 / 168

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thanks @akiwi for the help at the solo section

Hey! if you like it, check out _Stan dalao's osu! ranked version!

Leaderboard Ranked
# Grade Player Perf. Rating Accuracy Max Combo Marvelous Perfect Great Good Okay Miss Mods Date
1 S US 6y0VFH4I3hIHffX 44.37 98.32% 2,840x 6,071 1,318 113 21 10 19 None 7mo
2 S CN tyrcs 42.51 97.62% 3,220x 5,403 1,867 228 24 8 22 None 1y
3 S KR splzman08 41.27 97.14% 1,210x 5,630 1,631 205 28 15 43 None 7mo
4 S KR Nighttime 36.74 95.28% 616x 4,861 2,206 324 62 19 80 None 1y
5 S PH grimmmsenpai 36.51 97.78% 1,780x 5,355 1,922 232 17 2 24 0.8x, Mirror 1y
6 A KR success3 28.08 91.10% 428x 4,034 2,534 663 138 35 148 None 6mo
7 S US Reazy 27.35 95.20% 970x 5,302 1,752 303 98 14 83 0.7x 1y
8 A KR BIRINNAE 24.13 92.07% 573x 4,090 2,562 641 97 28 134 0.75x, Mirror 5mo
9 A US ERA Akiri 22.17 93.18% 825x 4,752 2,008 547 125 29 91 0.65x 1y
10 A TH Monstertoo 13.80 91.29% 449x 3,617 2,909 707 175 25 119 0.5x 1y