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Denied For Rank 0/2 Supervisor Votes
Created by: RoIesker
Submitted: over 1 year ago
Last updated: 3 months ago
Source: n/a
lo-fi, hip-hop, english, potsu
4 months ago

hi guys

3 months ago

my bad for submitting this

Ranking Supervisor
3 months ago

27486 and 26086 should have the same length on LNs for consistency. In general, have a certain length for the LNs that represents that sound. It should be exactly the same length to the sound it's representing. The whole map needs a generic mod. Difficultywise, it's too different for the whole sections. If the sounds are more dense and has more essence to pull out of, you should increase the difficulty. If there is less, and if it's less hype you need less notes, density as well. Try to set what notes would represent a certain sound on a section. Let's say, it's a drop after a breakdown, on a regular hardcore song. For example, you can set a short note for a vocal, long note for a synth, etc. That will help you structure the whole map in a consistant way. Try to fix the map and submit again, also specify the metadata better.

Ranking Supervisor
3 months ago

I have just put this mapset on hold, which means that minor issues have been found in the mapset and we are waiting for a fix with a map update. Please fix the listed errors and update the mapset.

3 months ago

tried putting lns for vocal and lns for thingamajig instrument idk what its called ex dee

Ranking Supervisor
2 months ago

Apply +35ms offset to map. That just came out as a mess, all the different uses that lns have just make it hard to make out what represents what. In the beginning with the small ln going to vocal, but sometimes they are also used for the keys. All of the lns for keys have wrong end timings too. 45286 - in the section here try separating piano and saxaphone so its more coherent what represents what. Also do not forget about precussion. This will need a thorough remap to make it rankable.

Ranking Supervisor
2 months ago

I have just denied this mapset from being ranked. Please fix the listed errors and resubmit in 2 weeks.

2 months ago
