My Singing Monsters Loading Music
Dave Kerr

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Created by: ProKidGamr
Submitted: over 1 year ago
Last updated: over 1 year ago
Source: My Singing Monsters Original Soundtrack
about 1 year ago

The chart's concepts and executions aren't very consistent at all, making for a messy and not very well put together chart. The chord issues are apparent all throughout the chart, with quads being placed at random amongst jumps and hands as well. The structure isn't very cohesive at all on top of this, making the chart look and feel incredibly disorganized and haphazardly cobbled together. It'd be better to have chords follow more thoughtful layering as well, with you keeping specific chord sizes to specific sounds to make the structure more recognizable. As it stands though, the chord usage is a mishmash of hands, jumps, and quads whenever it feels right and the patterning doesn't flow very well with it either. Overall you should make the structure more consistent along with the layering and chord usage.

about 1 year ago

On top of this, add a genre to the tags ("electronic" works fine)

about 1 year ago

I have just denied this mapset from being ranked. Please fix the listed errors and resubmit in 2 weeks.