Angry Birds Theme (PHONK HOUSE Remix)

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2/2 Supervisor Votes
Created by: KGB Official
Submitted: over 1 year ago
Ranked: 10 months ago
Source: n/a
sv, scroll velocity, mobile games, phonk, 808 cowbell, reading, bad piggies, red
Ranking Supervisor
10 months ago

I feel that the jump in difficulty from normal to hard is a bit much. also with the sv on hard i think it might be a bit on the hard side for a hard difficulty. i'd suggest bumping hard up to an insane and making a new hard difficulty that fits inbetween top diff and normal

Ranking Supervisor
10 months ago

I have just put this mapset on hold, which means that minor issues have been found in the mapset and we are waiting for a fix with a map update. Please fix the listed errors and update the mapset.

KGB Official
10 months ago

made a filler difficulty, I'm not sure if its an appropriate gap, but I'm feeling particularly uninspired today lol

Ranking Supervisor
10 months ago

current hard is not really something that fits in the spread seeing as it goes to jacks. try making something a little more jack oriented and not dump like you have now. the hard now also might be a little hard for a hard with the patterning. here is an example you dont have to follow this to a tee just get a general idea of what you could do. Also for the easy you have 1/4 usage since this is lower bpm id say its fine to use to for up to 2 notes but id say remove the cases where you use 3 of them

Ranking Supervisor
10 months ago

I have just put this mapset on hold, which means that minor issues have been found in the mapset and we are waiting for a fix with a map update. Please fix the listed errors and update the mapset.

KGB Official
10 months ago

balanced the gameplay as suggested.

10 months ago

suggest to remove "2023" on the diffname because it seems unrelated to the map, and apply some mods

10 months ago

I have just put this mapset on hold, which means that minor issues have been found in the mapset and we are waiting for a fix with a map update. Please fix the listed errors and update the mapset.

Ranking Supervisor
10 months ago

I have added +1 vote for this mapset!

10 months ago

goes hard

10 months ago

I have added +1 vote for this mapset!