MEGALOVANIA (Camellia Remix)
Toby Fox

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Denied For Rank 0/2 Supervisor Votes
Created by: ReXxGReMoRY
Submitted: almost 4 years ago
Last updated: over 3 years ago
Source: Undertale
over 3 years ago

Duplicate tag, remove Undertale since it's already in source. Offset is off by about 60ms, use waveform to adjust it. There are several underlying issues with the map, most notably consistency/song representation. Let me give a few examples: What are the short LNs in the section at 35002 mapped to, why is only that exact pitch mapped? 40208 has bad hand balance and there is nothing in the song justifying such. The LNs doubles at 118060 and 125994 do not represent the music well, because you can't hear what you're mapping those doubles to during gameplay, it's not noticable enough to warrant doubles. If you really want to dump the section at 145085 then you should use a faster snap for this exact moment since the pitch gets a lot higher and intense. 308597 this is the only place in this section you're using a LN triple, generally the same issue applies, there is no consistency in when you use a double LN or not. Why does 340209 not have quads when 300727 does? All of those inconsistencies add up to make an inconsistent map. I recommend asking for mods on the Quaver Discord Server.

over 3 years ago

I have just denied this mapset from being ranked. Please fix the listed errors and resubmit in 3 days.