Ice Cheinsaw

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Denied For Rank 0/2 Supervisor Votes
Created by: Fastio
Submitted: 7 months ago
Last updated: 7 months ago
Source: The Most Fuckin Gensou Hardsounds
Speedcore, Handstream, Stamina
mikeneko asmr
Ranking Supervisor
4 months ago

-60ms offset, artist should be "moro" and source should be "THE MOST FUCKIN GENSOU HARDSOUNDS", also you lack a genre tag so put "nustyle gabba, electronic, speedcore". In 237746 the usage of hands is used on every 1/2, leaving a lot of broken streams which they seem pretty arbitrary placed as i dont really think it follows any sound present. There are also broken streams present before in 207026 which also have the same problem, they feel really randomly placed. A lot of chords are used in wrong placed, where the sound you tried to represent wasn't even there (like 88106, which is a hand that doesn't really feel like it should be a hand as there are not any loud sounds here and has the same sound as jumps after this). Some of 49586 is wrongly mapped (56906 shouldn't be a jump and it should be on 57026, 58706 here isn't a 1/4 note, 60446 this would fit better in 60566, etc)

mikeneko asmr
Ranking Supervisor
4 months ago

I have just denied this mapset from being ranked. Please fix the listed errors and resubmit in 2 weeks.