Gamebreaker WIP 3 - Soulles DX
Saster - Nayukhrome - Checkty - Joey Animation

Created by: Giroshin
Submitted: 5 months ago
Last updated: 5 months ago
Source: n/a
FNF, FNFMOD, Friday Night Funkin, Soulles DX, DX, Saster, Gamebreaker, Hard
BPM: 145
Length: 4:32
Passes/Fails: 7 / 4

Haii, DagCnow here!
Third map uploaded, amazing!
This map was long to make, but fun too
Loved doing it!
This gamebreaker version was another one of scrapped ones
And I think it was going to be the official one, but as you know, GB was completely scrapped from the mod

Maybe I'll make a trilogy of so many versions of GB lol

Well, nothing more to say
See ya!

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