Danna-sama to no Love Song
Fenris (CV: Kugimiya Rie)

Created by: junn
Submitted: 29 days ago
Last updated: 28 days ago
Source: Lv2からチートだった元勇者候補のまったり異世界ライフ
opening lv2 kara cheat datta moto yuusha kouho no mattari isekai life chillin different world life of the ex-brave candidate was cheat from lv2 level 2 japanese anime pop jpop j-pop op ln longnote
BPM: 165
Length: 2:48
Passes/Fails: 11 / 21

tried adding some lns so the map itself does not look like a tv size concept (it does)

mapped half of the song then copied pasted the rest lololol.olololololol

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