Twisted Garden
Ennway! & Heart Plus Up!

Created by: F2Art
Submitted: 16 days ago
Last updated: 15 days ago
Source: Calamity: Wrath of the Gods
OST, Террария, Моды, Каламити, Гнев Богов, Каламити: Гнев Богов, Terraria, Mods, Calamity, Wrath of the Gods, Calamity: Wrath of the Gods
BPM: 215
Length: 1:18
Passes/Fails: 2 / 9

Experimental version.

Planned to be 100% complete. (~10% complete)
Plan is to better adapt the rhythm, but for now the path of intentional simplification has been chosen.


Экспериментальная версия.

Планируется завершить на 100%. (Готово ~10%)
Планируется лучше адаптировать ритм, но пока-что выбран путь намеренного упрощения.

= Update History =
11.03.25 - All the patterns with minijacks were cut out and changed to more “normal” patterns.

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