diSTractiOn PoInT
Arctures vs DJ KEmoNOiZE

Created by: Pepega Clap
Submitted: over 4 years ago
Last updated: over 4 years ago
Source: BOFU2016
Electronic, Dance, sv, Dynamix, BOFU
BPM: 145
Length: 2:34
Passes/Fails: 32 / 34

The Pepega SV Series

What is this series about?

The goal of this series is to introduce more SV maps into Quaver that are fun to play. We need more good SV maps in general, especially ones for 7k. That is why I map both 4k and 7k difficulties for each song.

I hope that you enjoy these maps

1.) nitro - [line:δ][uksrt:vip]
2.) Leroy Anderson - The Typewriter
3.) Arctures vs DJ KEmoNOiZE - diSTractiOn PoInT
4.) Helvian - Mii Channel (Abridged)
5.) Frums (unknown "lambda") - 19ZZ
6.) Hayakore Tatsumi - TatsumiyaTEK #05

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