Saturday Sunset
Inabakumori feat. Hatsune Miku

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Created by: kinuu
Submitted: about 3 years ago
Last updated: 3 months ago
Source: n/a
Inabakumori Hatsune Miku Saturday Sunset Jpop
about 3 years ago

Okay so your timing point is very incorrect, so I tried finding the correct offset and bpm for it, and what I found was that this song is kinda not nice to time, so you should probably start with a different song with more stable tempo. (In the short time I spent finding rough numbers for the timing point, I got an offset of about 1500 with a bpm of about 95.25) Also, read a mapping guide, that would help a lot. Some basic music theory knowledge relating to rhythm would also be nice. When mapping you should generally be sticking to using 1/4 beat snap, with certain songs generally sticking to 1/3 beat snap, and occassionally adjusting to half or double that. If you're constantly switching between snaps, or are constantly using 1/16 or something smaller, then either your timing point(s) is incorrect, or the song you picked is really weird. These maps are terrible, as expected for first maps, and I highly recommend you abandon this mapset and just start a new one, with a new song, after reading some mapping guides and whatnot. Probably pick a rhythmically simpler song as well.

about 3 years ago

This may have been the most I've typed for a denial message lol

about 3 years ago

I have just denied this mapset from being ranked. Please fix the listed errors and resubmit in 2 weeks.