Golden Cross
DJ Remo-con Vs DJ TAKA

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2/2 Supervisor Votes
Created by: CordingWater6
Submitted: about 3 years ago
Ranked: almost 3 years ago
Source: Beatmania IIDX CS Collection
Yoshitaka, Remo-con, 150, SV, Beatmania, HappyHardcore, Happy, Hardcore
almost 3 years ago

Multiple things to say about this mapset. First, it's very good. Second, there is an offset of +40ms to apply on all diffs, at since at some points you seem to have used waveform to time stuff, you will need to re-time these as they will ne longer be correct after a +40ms increase. Third, the SVs are very good, but sometimes the notes seem to be normalized way too harshly fast which makes some patterns look awfuly mashed. For example in the expert diff, see 1:30:00, this one doesn't look good. Fourth and last, the [DDR] diff, is it taken from another mapper in another game ? If so, you cannot upload this diff. If it just means that it can be played on a pad, i'm ok with it.

almost 3 years ago

I have just put this mapset on hold, which means that minor issues have been found in the mapset and we are waiting for a fix with a map update. Please fix the listed errors and update the mapset.

almost 3 years ago

The offset is easily fixable, I'll redo the SVs for the Hard, Insane/ Expert difficulty AND the "Insane [DDR]" was not taken from another game, it was made by myself, but I can understand the confusion as the difficulty is just "Insane [DDR]". The map is designed to be played on a pad if possible.

almost 3 years ago

The errors you've brought up have been fixed. SVs are more readable/ more normalised for the Hard, Insane, Insane [DDR] and Expert difficultties, as well as the map has had the first timing offset increased by 40ms.

almost 3 years ago

A lot of mods have been sent, also please change the background to have a "real" 720p quality, the current one isn't good enough despite the resolution

almost 3 years ago

I have just put this mapset on hold, which means that minor issues have been found in the mapset and we are waiting for a fix with a map update. Please fix the listed errors and update the mapset.

almost 3 years ago

I have added +1 vote for this mapset!

almost 3 years ago

I have added +1 vote for this mapset!