fuego (sakuraburst remix) (Cut Ver.)
KOAN Sound & Asa

Created by: Lott
Submitted: over 1 year ago
Last updated: about 1 year ago
Source: n/a
nimis, drago, wintmin, wintersnow, walker, dreamwalker, otakujanai, electronic, instrumental, experimental, neurofunk, glitch, wub, sanctuary ep, Sylvir
BPM: 200
Length: 2:00
Passes/Fails: 510 / 15

from https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/1656365#mania/3380914

changes made compared to the ranked osu one:

  • hyper: 116207 cuz there's an ignored consistency mistake here oops

geo's insane was not included cuz he does not want any kind of association with the game

map is extremely colorful due to the frequent use of out-of-bound snaps lmao

i unyassified myself for qot23

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