Time Left (Cut Ver.)

Created by: Lott
Submitted: about 1 year ago
Last updated: about 1 year ago
Source: チェンソーマン
chainsaw man ending ed 2 two acaね acane 100回嘔吐 100kai outo ztmy emi records universal music 河村 吉宏 yoshihiro kawamura 二家本 亮介 ryosuke nikamoto zanki zutto mayonaka de iinoni j-rock rock jrock japanese anime kuo kyoka
BPM: 141
Length: 1:56
Passes/Fails: 427 / 182

from https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/1887121#mania/3886125

w/ permission from the og mapper

mostly just replicating and copy-pasting stuffs from the original TV Size map along with sum edits

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