AMARA (Daimirai Dennou)
sasakure.UK feat. Hatsune Miku + KAITO

Created by: Lott
Submitted: 11 months ago
Last updated: 11 months ago
Source: プロジェクトセカイ カラフルステージ! feat. 初音ミク
Project SEKAI Colorful Stage! feat. Hatsune Miku vocaloid electronic artcore glitch japanese
BPM: 230
Length: 3:12
Passes/Fails: 31 / 11

idek what i'm doing

low effort mapping

somewhat all-rounded simple hybrid

thanks polarin for making draft of 00:54:973 to 01:10:102 but it kinda sucks so i just kinda modify it bleh

mapped like 20 seconds of this for combro cup gf mixed ln but a good map was found (it turned out to be an o!mLN3 reuse) so i'm finishing this under the form of a funny hybrid

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