Romanesque Romancia (Cut Ver.)

Created by: Polarin
Submitted: 11 months ago
Last updated: 11 months ago
Source: n/a
fa featured artist rock jrock j-rock gothic symphonic metal japanese jp lyse ?? luna rena ???????? ariableyes ???????? rize 6th mini album 1st best album best of aria [2011-2016] 2011-2016 ln coordination long notes qot qot2023 quaver official tournament
BPM: 240
Length: 4:45
Passes/Fails: 15 / 4

andrew tate's secret to success

ok so i watched the showcase and i think there was confusion on whether or not it was a collba with me anmd lott and im ehre to say that it is NOT a collab

backstory i was gvonna collab on thnsi with lott but then he was turned into a package of mac & cheese and was boiled in a bunker in arizona so i had to carry on without him #JUSTICEFORLOTT ✊✊#JUSTICEFORLOTT ✊✊#JUSTICEFORLOTT ✊✊#JUSTICEFORLOTT ✊✊#JUSTICEFORLOTT ✊✊#JUSTICEFORLOTT ✊✊#JUSTICEFORLOTT ✊✊#JUSTICEFORLOTT ✊✊#JUSTICEFORLOTT ✊✊#JUSTICEFORLOTT ✊✊#JUSTICEFORLOTT ✊✊#JUSTICEFORLOTT ✊✊#JUSTICEFORLOTT ✊✊#JUSTICEFORLOTT ✊✊#JUSTICEFORLOTT ✊✊

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