[Bleed Blood]

Created by: DannyPX
Submitted: over 4 years ago
Ranked: over 4 years ago
Source: Blackmagik Blazing
Hi-tech Basshouse Electroswing Serenade RuleBlazing Crysarlene
BPM: 165
Length: 4:14
Passes/Fails: 1735 / 4396

Map 1
Collab with [Crz]Crysarlene (Serenade) and Ruleblazing


Leaderboard Ranked
# Grade Player Perf. Rating Accuracy Max Combo Marvelous Perfect Great Good Okay Miss Mods Date
1 S US Reshiram 37.19 98.74% 1,544x 3,337 815 40 11 0 11 1.4x 3y
2 S KR SuddenDeath 35.68 98.51% 1,437x 3,315 826 49 7 1 16 1.35x 5y
3 S CA Pig 35.50 98.80% 1,705x 3,356 789 54 6 0 9 1.3x 5y
4 S BR SillyFangirl 35.16 97.82% 1,754x 2,911 1,165 113 11 5 9 1.4x 4y
5 S FI Lovelyn 33.75 98.78% 1,525x 3,308 840 52 4 1 9 1.2x 5y
6 S PL CinematicGem634 33.59 98.24% 1,444x 3,119 984 87 14 2 8 1.25x 1y
7 S US ERA Puzzle 33.20 97.70% 918x 3,150 936 87 18 4 19 1.3x 2y
8 S US Jhonnywind12 32.90 97.90% 1,368x 3,000 1,084 102 13 3 12 1.25x 2y
9 S CA KoolAids 32.69 98.26% 3,117x 2,921 1,172 107 8 1 5 1.2x 2y
10 S AR BossPlays 32.61 98.22% 1,679x 3,051 1,057 89 2 3 12 1.2x 5y
11 SS KR TC I Rinomi 32.52 99.38% 3,547x 3,403 778 32 0 0 1 1.1x 2y
12 SS KR TC I Kana 32.43 99.33% 2,293x 3,315 867 29 2 0 1 1.1x 4y
13 S AR Fisk 32.38 97.30% 1,366x 2,957 1,089 129 15 5 19 1.3x 5y
14 S US HJPboss 32.01 96.74% 628x 2,912 1,134 111 16 10 31 1.35x 2y
15 SS BR C3S4R780 32.01 99.11% 1,963x 3,455 711 37 6 0 5 1.1x 1y
16 S US OwOMythical 31.82 97.82% 1,260x 2,777 1,294 126 3 4 10 1.2x 3y
17 S NZ Dmzui 31.52 96.86% 1,161x 2,608 1,392 178 13 3 20 1.3x 5y
18 S CH Gamer97 31.34 96.77% 1,207x 2,665 1,345 157 19 3 25 1.3x 5y
19 S HK lll333lll222 30.93 98.55% 2,761x 3,035 1,093 73 4 0 9 1.1x 11d
20 S US Ery 30.64 97.74% 1,099x 2,946 1,110 132 14 2 10 1.15x 5y
21 S IT CarrelloMine 30.57 98.36% 1,291x 3,108 1,013 73 8 4 8 1.1x 5y
22 S US Logan 30.55 97.69% 1,676x 3,079 987 114 16 2 16 Mirror, 1.15x 5y
23 S US AshuraOsu 30.54 97.69% 1,940x 2,725 1,328 138 12 1 10 1.15x 9mo
24 S IT Laba 30.28 97.01% 981x 2,819 1,193 162 20 7 13 1.2x 4mo
25 S DE Kaleidoscalp 30.24 95.83% 1,473x 2,811 1,184 136 31 12 40 1.35x 5y
26 S CN Usada Pekora 30.24 96.19% 957x 2,646 1,304 212 22 4 26 1.3x 5y
27 S US Foxa 30.10 97.45% 1,645x 2,621 1,400 174 10 2 7 1.15x 4y
28 S CN teradora 30.03 96.88% 1,584x 2,645 1,370 159 16 8 16 1.2x 5y
29 S US VeggieBurger53 29.56 97.16% 2,505x 2,932 1,110 129 15 4 24 1.15x 4y
30 S US funnycatpfp 29.44 96.56% 604x 2,534 1,443 190 25 3 19 1.2x 3y
31 SS AU Spartan 29.41 99.48% 4,208x 3,596 589 27 1 0 1 None 3y
32 S KR DURANGO 29.39 97.71% 855x 2,850 1,229 106 11 5 13 1.1x 5y
33 S NO fent lover 29.35 96.51% 1,199x 2,526 1,450 194 18 3 23 1.2x 3y
34 S KR Kirisame Marisa 29.33 97.68% 849x 2,888 1,181 114 13 1 17 1.1x 2y
35 S TW Huz0752 29.28 97.65% 2,031x 2,676 1,360 159 12 0 7 1.1x 4y
36 S US jabelard 29.25 97.64% 1,479x 2,994 1,082 109 4 4 21 1.1x 3y
37 S HK Ww5582Man 29.20 96.43% 886x 2,536 1,444 188 18 8 20 1.2x 3y
38 SS US Tempyseemo 29.15 99.33% 4,214x 3,367 813 32 1 1 0 None 4y
39 S US Galactic Fox 29.13 98.36% 1,404x 3,080 1,026 92 7 0 9 1.05x 2y
40 S US gbr 29.11 96.37% 957x 2,861 1,124 169 28 10 22 1.2x 2y
41 S CH Tupidix 29.09 96.37% 713x 2,663 1,313 182 26 4 26 1.2x 5y
42 S UA DonumDei 29.09 97.54% 1,998x 2,586 1,448 159 12 0 9 1.1x 3y
43 SS US kusa 29.02 99.26% 3,546x 3,283 893 34 3 0 1 None 3y
44 S US kys 29.02 97.51% 1,919x 2,609 1,431 153 8 2 11 1.1x 5y
45 S CA skippwastaken 29.02 96.32% 771x 2,807 1,147 203 33 6 18 1.2x 5y
46 S FI NauchiLove 29.02 97.50% 1,222x 2,795 1,232 161 17 2 7 1.1x 5y
47 S IT Bad 28.95 96.29% 1,375x 2,721 1,274 162 16 8 33 1.2x 2y
48 SS FR Adri 28.85 99.16% 4,214x 3,282 877 53 2 0 0 None 4y
49 S US Crescendo PiaNo 28.84 96.23% 762x 2,687 1,270 198 30 3 26 1.2x 5y
50 S CA SewShii 28.84 98.20% 1,255x 2,808 1,291 99 7 0 9 1.05x 3y