Toby Fox

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Denied For Rank 0/2 Supervisor Votes
Created by: MazeGM
Submitted: over 2 years ago
Last updated: over 2 years ago
Source: Deltarune
jevil, clown, remix, the world revolving, camellia remix, j-core, hardcore, camellia
over 2 years ago

put "Deltarune" into source missed a triple at 91428 minijack at 101000 is weird, probably move it over even though it was probably intended no need for 303237|3,303333|4 no reason for the burst at 164285 and other locations, theres nothing in the song to represent with it doublecheck your triple usage at 185143 and make sure to stay consistent with when you're using them no need for this jumptrill, check what is in the song and can be mapped 193857 overall make sure you stay consistent with your chords and when you use them, ask for help in the quaver discord playtesting/mapping channel if needed put 30ms offset (apply after checking everything else)

over 2 years ago

I have just put this mapset on hold, which means that minor issues have been found in the mapset and we are waiting for a fix with a map update. Please fix the listed errors and update the mapset.

over 2 years ago

sorry if the changes i made were kinda weird havent played the game in more than a month now so im extremely rusty at playing, and at judging what would be fun to play

about 2 years ago

Personally don't like the reliance of handstream and chordjack to represent the music Other ranking supervisors do what you will with this information

about 2 years ago

Agreeing with Kusa on this one, the patterning is very lackluster. With how vast the song progression is, you seem to completely ignore it in favor of incredibly formulaic chordjacks and handstreams that only loosely follow the song. Sections like 75458 and 130315 sound completely different yet follow a very painfully safe pattern scheme that only does a mediocre job of representing the song itself. I'd rework the chart to have more interesting concepts and ideas that work better with the flow of the song instead of two types of patterns throughout the entire 6 minutes.

about 2 years ago

I have just denied this mapset from being ranked. Please fix the listed errors and resubmit in 2 weeks.

about 2 years ago

welp ok then point of the map wasn't to be interesting or "innovative", but just to be fun to play definitely not fixing or resubmitting because i don't know shit about the game anymore