Terror Train
Demons & Wizards

Created by: Storn
Submitted: over 4 years ago
Ranked: over 4 years ago
Source: Touched by the Crimson King
Blind Guardian Iced Earth Hansi Kürsch Jon Schaffer Metal The Dark Tower
BPM: 175.989
Length: 2:54
Passes/Fails: 3111 / 2206

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(save image as BN.png to your song folder for cool ingame banner)

A song based on Stephen King's "The Dark Tower" about a insane suicidal train.
This chart contains many trills. i hope you are prepared.

Leaderboard Ranked
# Grade Player Perf. Rating Accuracy Max Combo Marvelous Perfect Great Good Okay Miss Mods Date
1 S US Gabben 39.21 98.79% 1,075x 1,916 394 30 6 1 3 1.55x 1mo
2 SS GB Zoobin4 38.91 99.36% 1,351x 2,014 314 19 2 0 1 1.45x 9mo
3 S US Reshiram 38.25 98.38% 607x 1,870 424 43 6 1 6 Mirror, 1.55x 4y
4 SS US Halogen 38.23 99.83% 1,879x 2,205 144 0 0 0 1 Mirror, 1.35x 4y
5 S CL Arkener 38.02 98.97% 1,091x 1,875 451 15 4 1 4 1.45x 5y
6 S RO nonameyesiknow 37.85 98.90% 2,294x 1,922 391 30 4 2 1 1.45x 4mo
7 SS US Matthias 37.72 99.60% 1,865x 2,071 274 3 0 1 1 1.35x 4y
8 SS ID Reihynn 37.65 99.17% 2,294x 1,980 337 30 2 0 1 1.4x 3y
9 SS KR gaesol 37.21 99.38% 2,350x 1,824 512 12 2 0 0 1.35x 4y
10 S CA Dale940 36.91 98.49% 1,249x 1,926 379 27 12 3 3 1.45x 6mo
11 S PL WYSI 36.89 98.84% 1,357x 1,840 482 16 7 1 4 1.4x 4y
12 SS AU Water is good 36.83 99.68% 1,817x 2,162 179 8 0 0 1 1.3x, Mirror 5y
13 S IT Laba 36.73 97.72% 1,537x 1,559 706 67 13 1 4 1.55x 13d
14 S PH Qarp 36.54 98.68% 1,064x 1,893 409 38 6 0 4 1.4x 3y
15 S GB ATP Drag0n 36.45 98.64% 1,065x 1,995 313 27 8 1 6 1.4x, Mirror 1y
16 SS LV acc main 36.28 99.43% 1,816x 2,103 227 16 3 0 1 1.3x 4mo
17 S US Jojo 36.18 98.92% 1,771x 1,882 434 29 1 2 2 1.35x 3y
18 S BR Punnie 35.96 98.81% 2,350x 1,788 510 50 2 0 0 1.35x 4y
19 SS US tenko 35.93 99.28% 1,179x 2,027 297 23 1 0 2 1.3x 4y
20 SS NZ Kibitz 35.93 99.28% 1,558x 1,889 441 18 0 0 2 1.3x 5y
21 S US Treats 35.82 98.75% 2,350x 1,745 551 52 2 0 0 1.35x 4y
22 S US ChaosKel 35.80 98.35% 1,051x 1,837 459 41 6 3 4 1.4x 4mo
23 S FI Lovelyn 35.79 98.73% 1,084x 1,916 392 34 2 1 5 1.35x 4y
24 SS SE ParkerPyrope 35.77 99.71% 1,974x 2,202 139 8 0 0 1 1.25x 2y
25 SS FR Bumpinho 35.41 99.03% 1,180x 1,930 383 33 2 0 2 1.3x 4y
26 S US HJPboss 35.33 98.13% 832x 1,839 449 46 6 1 9 1.4x 2y
27 S US Tempyseemo 35.27 98.97% 804x 2,050 271 18 5 1 5 1.3x 4y
28 S US Rapta 35.25 98.09% 732x 1,836 453 44 6 1 10 1.4x 3y
29 S US 4bfk 35.23 98.95% 1,817x 1,864 448 33 3 0 2 1.3x 4y
30 S US Outis 35.18 98.06% 1,024x 1,728 561 42 12 3 4 1.4x 4y
31 S KR Kent 35.16 98.92% 1,391x 1,628 688 32 1 0 1 1.3x 4y
32 SS US Jeyci 35.15 99.42% 2,256x 1,907 429 13 0 0 1 1.25x 4y
33 S US Twinn0 35.06 98.87% 1,179x 1,903 412 26 5 1 3 1.3x 3y
34 S AU HDAdreN 35.02 98.85% 1,179x 1,976 341 23 4 2 4 1.3x 3y
35 S DE Duftea 34.98 98.83% 1,293x 1,707 606 33 1 0 3 1.3x 4y
36 SS US kutzi 34.95 99.33% 2,350x 1,886 447 15 1 1 0 1.25x 3y
37 SS US Priscilla 34.89 99.30% 2,350x 1,971 352 25 2 0 0 1.25x 3y
38 S VE Edvo 34.74 98.72% 1,153x 1,907 406 28 3 4 2 1.3x 2y
39 S ES Mazorkis 34.72 98.71% 1,261x 1,858 446 38 5 2 1 1.3x 4y
40 S US sparklingjaiden 34.72 97.84% 703x 1,702 577 53 8 2 8 1.4x 4y
41 SS CA CaesarSalad 34.69 99.20% 2,350x 1,776 548 26 0 0 0 1.25x 3y
42 S PH liculle 34.63 98.67% 1,061x 1,948 356 38 1 1 6 1.3x, Mirror 3y
43 S SV SirBeatsALot 34.60 97.79% 948x 1,509 783 37 11 4 6 1.4x 19d
44 S UA Dena3 34.55 98.63% 1,178x 1,714 590 37 6 0 3 1.3x 3y
45 SS US ERA Zenith 34.51 99.64% 2,297x 2,167 178 1 2 1 1 1.2x 4y
46 S CA CommandoBlack 34.51 98.14% 1,137x 1,839 451 44 6 2 8 1.35x 4y
47 S ES ReXxGReMoRY 34.46 98.58% 2,045x 1,787 502 55 5 0 1 1.3x 5y
48 SS GB Zycrxd 34.41 99.07% 1,116x 1,979 333 35 1 0 2 1.25x 4y
49 S US cow 34.37 98.54% 1,708x 1,878 424 36 5 0 7 1.3x 4y
50 S AU donutsalad 34.33 98.52% 1,894x 1,848 459 27 11 3 2 1.3x 5y