Devil Dogs

Created by: Storn
Submitted: over 4 years ago
Ranked: over 4 years ago
Source: The Great War
Joakim Broden Heavy Power war Metal WWI World War One
BPM: 152
Length: 3:11
Passes/Fails: 2077 / 5024

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Leaderboard Ranked
# Grade Player Perf. Rating Accuracy Max Combo Marvelous Perfect Great Good Okay Miss Mods Date
1 S US 6y0VFH4I3hIHffX 30.88 98.13% 518x 1,746 483 41 8 1 8 1.5x 5y
2 SS IT Laba 30.02 99.06% 1,870x 1,809 449 24 3 0 2 1.35x 3mo
3 S US ERA Puzzle 29.70 98.39% 991x 1,860 362 56 4 1 4 1.4x 2y
4 S US TheVioletFlare 29.12 98.06% 759x 1,684 537 54 4 2 6 1.4x 4y
5 S CZ Swinaecologist 28.28 98.58% 831x 1,771 476 32 0 2 6 1.3x 3y
6 S CA skippwastaken 27.90 98.35% 960x 1,868 366 38 6 0 9 1.3x 5y
7 S FR DemonWaves 27.69 98.83% 866x 1,840 416 20 6 1 4 1.25x 5y
8 SS RO nonameyesiknow 27.49 99.39% 2,250x 1,874 396 16 0 0 1 1.2x 3y
9 S CN WilliamQiufeng 27.42 98.07% 492x 1,829 408 30 6 2 12 1.3x 1y
10 S FI Lovelyn 27.28 97.98% 1,002x 1,806 408 57 8 2 6 1.3x 5y
11 SS CZ sxuls 27.03 99.11% 1,185x 1,827 439 15 2 0 4 1.2x 5y
12 S KR Kent 26.97 96.81% 771x 1,474 700 91 9 5 8 1.4x 4y
13 S BY Bikko 26.70 98.23% 688x 1,679 554 35 14 1 4 1.25x 2y
14 S GB velcro 26.57 98.15% 1,886x 1,553 656 71 6 0 1 1.25x 2y
15 S KR Kirisame Marisa 25.86 97.12% 948x 1,555 624 85 13 1 9 1.3x 4y
16 S US Qbrxdcgrf 25.71 98.29% 734x 1,655 573 49 4 0 6 1.2x 3y
17 S DE Duftea 25.57 97.53% 670x 1,557 650 59 10 1 10 Mirror, 1.25x 4y
18 S NL UnluckyCroco 25.54 98.18% 525x 1,680 561 31 4 3 8 1.2x 4y
19 S ES Mazorkis 25.50 98.15% 936x 1,692 534 45 9 0 7 1.2x 5y
20 S XX Fre3d 25.48 96.88% 566x 1,695 504 53 16 7 12 1.3x 1y
21 S US ImperialTrinity 25.37 96.81% 734x 1,618 581 54 12 4 18 1.3x 4y
22 S TH Juad 25.18 96.68% 634x 1,441 742 76 9 2 17 1.3x 4y
23 S DE Xerteria 25.00 97.83% 1,307x 1,627 583 59 11 0 7 1.2x 5y
24 S US Walnut 24.96 97.80% 954x 1,522 686 68 4 2 5 1.2x 4y
25 S BR Church 24.95 97.80% 941x 1,553 655 62 11 0 6 1.2x 3y
26 S US Nanosinix 24.91 97.10% 626x 1,548 623 99 9 4 4 1.25x 5y
27 S TH Haris 24.90 98.45% 2,141x 1,699 538 42 3 3 2 1.15x 1y
28 S CA Saerdna 24.80 97.70% 982x 1,512 712 42 10 3 8 1.2x 4y
29 S GB SaddBoie 24.76 97.67% 820x 1,640 571 56 9 1 10 1.2x 2y
30 SS US A1ch3mist 24.62 99.03% 607x 1,779 490 9 4 0 5 1.1x 1y
31 S DE GERMarvin 24.42 96.19% 687x 1,449 726 76 11 4 21 1.3x 1y
32 S US Djonix05 24.10 95.02% 470x 1,386 756 89 24 7 25 1.4x 3mo
33 S KR JuMARU 23.93 98.56% 1,003x 1,660 583 37 1 0 6 1.1x 4y
34 S CR Tumadre123 23.75 97.68% 698x 1,562 640 71 6 1 7 1.15x 2y
35 S US kyota 23.67 96.94% 911x 1,545 652 60 14 6 10 1.2x 3y
36 SS AU HDAdreN 23.61 99.89% 2,287x 2,140 147 0 0 0 0 None 4y
37 S PH akoisme 23.59 96.88% 834x 1,473 690 102 14 2 6 1.2x 2mo
38 SS SE ParkerPyrope 23.49 99.80% 2,287x 2,073 213 0 1 0 0 None 4y
39 S DE specul4r 23.41 96.10% 1,031x 1,549 592 110 21 4 11 Mirror, 1.25x 3y
40 SS ID towakane 23.31 99.67% 2,287x 2,014 265 8 0 0 0 Mirror 4y
41 S RO myja 23.28 98.11% 876x 1,671 553 49 6 0 8 1.1x 4y
42 SS PE FernandoGossow 23.27 99.65% 2,287x 1,970 312 3 2 0 0 None 2y
43 S RO InHuman 23.27 96.66% 750x 1,500 671 88 13 3 12 1.2x 4y
44 S US raifyx 23.26 98.09% 1,067x 1,665 554 54 8 0 6 1.1x 3y
45 S CA KoolAids 23.25 97.33% 481x 1,609 588 67 11 2 10 1.15x 3y
46 S ID FN F LUX 23.18 97.29% 498x 1,578 622 67 5 3 12 1.15x 4y
47 SS PH MACRO 23.17 99.58% 1,616x 2,009 267 10 0 0 1 None 4y
48 SS EE Progress 23.16 99.57% 2,287x 1,934 342 11 0 0 0 None 5y
49 SS US CowlScatman 23.11 99.53% 2,287x 1,943 330 14 0 0 0 None 4y
50 SS JP Asker 23.06 99.49% 1,670x 2,037 238 9 1 1 1 None 1y