
Created by: Fullest
Submitted: about 2 years ago
Ranked: over 1 year ago
Source: RESIST
Kairiki Bear, Kotonegami, Tenjin, VTuber, nounoknown, syamoji_0114, Syamo.G-しゃもじ, 天神子兎音, かいりきベア, のう, Rock, Japanese, J-Rock, Alternative, jrock
BPM: 153
Length: 3:42
Passes/Fails: 3217 / 2574

BG Source:

STATUS: Ranked!


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Leaderboard Ranked
# Grade Player Perf. Rating Accuracy Max Combo Marvelous Perfect Great Good Okay Miss Mods Date
1 SS PH iFFY 37.02 99.19% 808x 2,080 435 12 1 1 4 1.65x 1y
2 SS AR Thiago 36.33 99.69% 2,533x 2,255 269 9 0 0 0 1.55x 2y
3 SS AR saragi32 36.16 99.61% 1,625x 2,225 303 2 1 0 2 1.55x 2y
4 SS AR BossPlays 36.14 99.60% 1,773x 2,251 277 2 0 0 3 1.55x 2y
5 S GB Zoobin4 35.22 98.37% 828x 2,052 422 45 5 2 7 1.65x 7mo
6 SS BR Church 34.31 99.03% 1,697x 2,065 434 29 1 0 4 1.5x 1y
7 SS HK lll333lll222 34.29 99.02% 793x 2,110 399 15 2 1 6 1.5x 1mo
8 S XX skibidi toiIet 33.56 98.67% 828x 2,059 434 29 2 2 7 1.5x 7mo
9 S US SabianStar 33.50 98.64% 930x 1,968 537 13 4 2 9 1.5x 1y
10 S US sparklingjaiden 33.38 97.15% 952x 1,635 791 87 4 2 14 1.7x 2y
11 SS MY Terces 32.27 99.33% 1,658x 2,041 477 12 0 0 3 1.4x 1y
12 S SE neondrakon 31.57 98.97% 1,625x 2,065 443 17 0 1 7 1.4x 7mo
13 S DE Octopus0318 31.55 98.95% 1,118x 1,994 506 27 1 0 5 1.4x 1y
14 SS LT Salsa23 31.32 99.22% 931x 2,181 338 7 0 2 5 1.35x 1y
15 S US Nevoy 31.27 97.23% 981x 1,728 717 59 10 2 17 1.55x 2y
16 S ID Reihynn 31.06 98.70% 1,310x 2,072 418 32 4 2 5 1.4x 2y
17 S US grrrl3 31.05 97.40% 900x 1,774 642 101 7 1 8 1.5x 1y
18 S AR laucha02 31.05 98.69% 722x 1,979 509 33 7 0 5 1.4x 2y
19 S US soapywater 31.04 98.69% 1,224x 1,967 525 31 3 1 6 1.4x 1y
20 S RU 4eptos 30.39 98.33% 1,625x 1,858 616 49 3 3 4 1.4x 2y
21 SS US keise 30.19 99.16% 1,697x 2,064 450 11 4 1 3 1.3x 2y
22 S DE Hekirekigami 30.13 98.58% 1,657x 1,920 576 25 3 3 6 1.35x 1y
23 S US asterillisk 29.65 96.65% 682x 1,790 654 43 21 10 15 1.5x 1y
24 S PH kwplayz2 29.52 96.02% 838x 1,591 793 111 16 6 16 1.6x 1y
25 S DE ATP Fronty 29.46 98.76% 843x 2,040 463 16 5 1 8 1.3x 1y
26 S US SavDrips 29.35 98.14% 907x 1,896 585 30 9 0 13 1.35x 1y
27 S US ChaosKel 29.26 97.72% 838x 1,890 563 57 10 2 11 1.4x 1y
28 S FI Huukkeli 29.08 98.00% 894x 1,729 735 54 6 2 7 1.35x 1y
29 S US A1ch3mist 29.04 98.52% 663x 1,885 601 36 3 0 8 1.3x 1mo
30 S KR UniqueWheel10 28.91 98.45% 1,662x 1,966 518 37 3 3 6 1.3x 5mo
31 S BR Sy4n0 28.84 97.86% 1,676x 1,876 578 66 2 6 5 1.35x 5mo
32 S CA bobuxman 28.78 98.38% 1,657x 1,820 640 67 4 1 1 1.3x 1y
33 S CA Lemon90 28.70 97.40% 925x 1,864 594 49 5 6 15 1.4x 10mo
34 S CN cccc 28.61 97.73% 1,439x 1,688 769 58 5 1 12 1.35x 2y
35 S PH gawrgg233 28.60 97.35% 651x 1,840 602 64 11 4 12 1.4x 2mo
36 S US jez 28.54 97.31% 992x 1,825 614 71 6 5 12 1.4x 2y
37 S CL Dav4d 28.52 97.30% 1,308x 1,585 833 98 10 3 4 1.4x, Mirror 1y
38 S RU Kweerit 28.37 95.94% 586x 1,699 673 120 18 2 21 1.5x 2d
39 SS US the soup fella 28.29 99.55% 2,533x 1,999 529 4 1 0 0 1.2x 2y
40 S CA jake6542 28.26 98.08% 1,657x 1,745 710 70 1 1 6 1.3x 13d
41 SS PL h a y 28.19 99.49% 2,161x 2,148 371 12 1 0 1 1.2x 1y
42 S BR Polur 28.02 98.69% 1,278x 1,710 771 50 1 0 1 1.25x 2y
43 S US cunnyssuer 27.86 97.30% 613x 1,621 810 80 9 0 13 1.35x 7mo
44 S PL BooNss 27.85 97.84% 823x 1,791 664 63 4 3 8 1.3x 1y
45 S CA Man Is Dead 27.81 97.82% 1,577x 1,701 742 78 4 0 8 1.3x 4mo
46 SS US KGB Official 27.73 99.22% 2,533x 1,974 529 30 0 0 0 1.2x 2y
47 S RU Rirate 27.57 96.76% 1,340x 1,635 771 102 8 3 14 1.4x 2y
48 S CL desire 02 27.57 98.42% 1,510x 1,877 611 31 4 1 9 1.25x 1y
49 S RU Frc 27.56 97.67% 1,232x 1,788 652 79 4 4 6 1.3x 22d
50 S SG Temm 27.42 98.33% 950x 1,743 723 59 4 0 4 1.25x 1y