
Created by: [ Scarlet Red ]
Submitted: over 5 years ago
Ranked: over 5 years ago
Source: n/a
BPM: 180
Length: 1:44
Passes/Fails: 3243 / 2253

Ranked Set #2!

Really thought this was an amazing song that needed a decent 4K set, hope you enjoy. THANK YOU TO Luri FOR CREATING EASY DIFFICULTY! Through all these ranked charts I'll hope to improve and create even better content in the future!

Leaderboard Ranked
# Grade Player Perf. Rating Accuracy Max Combo Marvelous Perfect Great Good Okay Miss Mods Date
1 S MY AcapCore7 38.47 98.55% 1,181x 1,275 287 21 1 2 4 1.5x 3mo
2 S US Reshiram 37.81 98.26% 750x 1,198 353 27 8 0 4 1.5x, Mirror 5y
3 S CN Usada Pekora 37.13 97.97% 1,090x 1,219 312 51 4 0 4 1.5x 5y
4 S KR SuddenDeath 36.73 97.79% 787x 1,263 282 27 9 1 8 1.5x 5y
5 S KR ARG P4NDIXE 36.41 98.34% 930x 1,255 300 26 2 0 7 1.4x 4y
6 S AU Spartan 36.29 98.29% 1,282x 1,204 346 29 8 1 2 1.4x 5y
7 S XX Tlharrisonv 36.26 98.28% 806x 1,177 370 32 9 0 2 1.4x 1y
8 S US Zim 35.74 98.40% 1,266x 1,359 197 25 3 4 2 1.35x 1y
9 S IE MilkCookie 35.67 98.01% 537x 1,150 397 32 4 0 7 1.4x 2y
10 S VN pom 35.32 97.85% 608x 1,143 392 44 6 0 5 1.4x, Mirror 4y
11 S US rin 35.30 97.15% 798x 1,102 427 44 6 3 8 1.5x 4y
12 S GB Zoobin4 35.30 97.49% 1,010x 1,103 422 52 7 0 6 1.45x 4y
13 S ID Reihynn 35.24 98.64% 815x 1,285 269 32 1 1 2 1.3x 3y
14 S TH celesteria 35.16 97.77% 686x 1,162 370 47 6 1 4 1.4x 6y
15 S FI Lovelyn 34.95 98.50% 746x 1,270 283 31 2 1 3 1.3x 5y
16 S TH PantsuThief 34.87 97.64% 786x 1,202 344 30 2 3 9 1.4x 5y
17 S US Antunder 34.83 98.45% 1,178x 1,242 306 36 3 0 3 1.3x 5y
18 S KR Girls frontline 34.82 98.44% 814x 1,308 245 30 2 2 3 1.3x 5y
19 S RO robby250 34.34 98.21% 899x 1,152 402 26 5 2 3 1.3x 5y
20 S CN ppy nmsl 33.89 97.18% 562x 1,057 461 56 9 0 7 1.4x 5y
21 S US ERA Zenith 33.88 98.41% 367x 1,356 207 16 2 2 7 1.25x 4y
22 S ES GreenSoul 33.83 97.97% 799x 1,276 272 30 2 1 9 1.3x 5y
23 S US ERA Puzzle 33.79 97.13% 521x 1,234 297 37 8 1 13 1.4x 2y
24 S AR Remis0 33.74 97.93% 1,099x 1,176 356 47 9 1 1 1.3x 5y
25 S MX Ray271 33.60 98.90% 1,590x 1,264 294 29 3 0 0 1.2x 4y
26 S CN Ringya 33.43 98.81% 817x 1,194 366 27 2 0 1 1.2x 3y
27 S KR BattleMage 33.41 97.76% 1,281x 1,033 491 62 1 0 3 1.3x 5y
28 S SG kinafy 33.38 96.93% 544x 1,217 309 39 11 1 13 1.4x 3y
29 S MY xRay 33.38 97.75% 877x 1,192 354 28 7 2 7 1.3x 5y
30 S CA JSimon 33.37 96.92% 812x 1,058 452 60 14 1 5 1.4x 5y
31 S DE ElectroYan 33.28 98.74% 1,281x 1,229 329 28 2 0 2 1.2x 6y
32 S GB welshevo 33.28 97.70% 536x 1,088 442 48 8 0 4 1.3x 4y
33 S BR tlsharrison 33.22 97.68% 536x 1,132 406 41 2 1 8 1.3x 4y
34 S KR WhiteRose 33.17 97.18% 693x 954 566 59 3 0 8 1.35x 5y
35 S KR Kent 33.05 97.59% 776x 1,081 442 58 5 1 3 1.3x 4y
36 S CN WilliamQiufeng 32.99 97.56% 583x 1,341 212 18 3 5 11 1.3x 8mo
37 S AU KeqingPro 32.95 98.58% 811x 1,195 357 34 2 0 2 1.2x 3y
38 S KR yumtam 32.95 98.57% 1,009x 1,229 326 30 2 1 2 1.2x 4y
39 S FI PianoLuigi 32.93 98.56% 810x 1,212 341 31 4 0 2 1.2x 5y
40 S MY Neo 32.72 98.46% 936x 1,247 315 20 2 3 3 1.2x 6y
41 S KR Kirisame Marisa 32.63 97.80% 324x 1,235 316 25 3 4 7 1.25x 2y
42 S CA Stability 32.53 97.33% 537x 1,196 350 23 7 4 10 1.3x 5y
43 S FR Geodash2401 32.53 98.36% 981x 1,215 334 32 6 0 3 1.2x 1y
44 S CH Tupidix 32.51 98.35% 1,368x 1,199 348 36 4 0 3 1.2x 5y
45 S HR Saracen 32.45 98.32% 530x 1,274 277 28 6 0 5 1.2x 2mo
46 SS US Sooph 32.35 99.43% 1,368x 1,313 269 6 1 0 1 1.1x 4y
47 S US noawpsonjimbo 32.31 98.25% 801x 1,047 508 29 1 1 4 1.2x 3y
48 S HU Verald 32.27 96.74% 494x 1,127 391 53 4 2 13 1.35x 5y
49 S SA Faisal11 32.26 98.23% 811x 1,120 423 43 1 1 2 1.2x 2y
50 S JP soy 32.19 98.66% 810x 1,201 349 39 0 0 1 1.15x 5y