Shinkakei Sketch
Shigure Ui

Created by: Ainer
Submitted: over 1 year ago
Last updated: over 1 year ago
Source: The rain doesn't stop yet.
Guise, Deafen, まだ雨はやまない, しぐれうい, シンカケイスケッチ, mada ame wa yamanai, vtuber, virtual youtuber, japanese pop, j-pop, j pop, jpop, こだまさおり, Saori Kodama, 田中秀和, Hidekazu Tanaka, LN, Long Note, Noodle, Rice, Dump
BPM: 144
Length: 3:45
Passes/Fails: 13 / 60


much thanks to @deafen for the gd

actually feel sorry to him for abandoning this map xd, i promise will finish this idk when

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