This looks a bit inconsistently, 150814|3,150909|2 these two should be on 1/8, 152206|2 this needs to be a jump like the others jumptrills before that one. Also prob a big diff spike if you let that part almost full inverse, try making lns last 1/4 or 1/8 so it doesn't get too dense
Following so much sounds in a part like that makes really hard to understand what you wanted to follow, i would suggest that you let this sound 109824|4 be just a single and the one of the drums 111097|1 be a jump and whenever these two intersect just use the more important (drums)
Consider moving this to the fourth column to keep consistency with the patterns next to this one where the last note is in the same column as the end of the trill
Until 183551. Sounds here have the same intensity so changing between hands and jumps doesn't seem to good so keep all jumps here
would it be ok to change all to hands because all jumps feels underrepresented of the loud drums
This looks a bit inconsistently, 150814|3,150909|2 these two should be on 1/8, 152206|2 this needs to be a jump like the others jumptrills before that one. Also prob a big diff spike if you let that part almost full inverse, try making lns last 1/4 or 1/8 so it doesn't get too dense
changed it to something similar to 68928 to map the bursts too but with 1/4 LN and some 1/8LN to represent piano
As you were doing lns like this one you need also to add some lns here: 150013 150084 150296
Change a lot of lns to 1/3 as it fits better
this goes on until 145909
by 1/3 u mean to change the length of the long lns to 1/3?
changed lots of them 1/3 or 2/3
added very short ln at 145626|4 like 146475|4 because same similar sound
Fits better if it's snapped on the nearest 1/3
Trill starts at 126522 so remove this note
Following so much sounds in a part like that makes really hard to understand what you wanted to follow, i would suggest that you let this sound 109824|4 be just a single and the one of the drums 111097|1 be a jump and whenever these two intersect just use the more important (drums)
Also fix issues like here not being any sound but theres a note 110248|4
Also on 95390. Random jumps (probably trying to follow another sound that you only followed one time)
deleted random jumps changed to single
You haven't mapped this as a jump previously so let it as a single
Dont see why minijacks like these are neccesary, i would say to change all of them whenever they are avoidable
Every quad here just seems a little too much for those sounds so try to make them 2lns and 1 rice
changed quads to 2ln, 1rice and removed the minijacks
72749 and 72890 are more loud than 72820 so try to make them two jumps instead
You were doing all the trills on the 2,3 columns and just in this one is in 1,3 columns
changed columns to first 1,3 second 2,4, 3rd and 4th 2,3
Consider moving this to the fourth column to keep consistency with the patterns next to this one where the last note is in the same column as the end of the trill
There are not a important sound, only just these drums so remove this to keep it as a single
not really a reason to add this minijack here, you could just move this note to the first column
50531|1 moved to 50531|4
The sound on this part that's is used for a trill should be on 1/8 snap and start from 45862 and end here 46216
37215 timing point should instead be on 37230 (as you can see on the waveform)
rearrange notes from this