Necro Fantasia

Created by: Swan
Submitted: over 5 years ago
Ranked: over 5 years ago
Source: Perfect Cherry Blossom
Perfect Cherry Blossom Touhou dnb drum n bass necrofantasia jumpstream handstream Insane Expert
BPM: 175
Length: 5:41
Passes/Fails: 2487 / 4570

It's time to put the sewing machines away, friends.

Leaderboard Ranked
# Grade Player Perf. Rating Accuracy Max Combo Marvelous Perfect Great Good Okay Miss Mods Date
1 SS US Reshiram 46.65 99.45% 2,952x 3,829 668 15 1 2 2 1.7x, Mirror 2y
2 SS MY AcapCore7 43.77 99.73% 4,517x 3,907 605 5 0 0 0 1.5x 7mo
3 SS SG Xvenn70 43.64 99.68% 2,281x 4,114 384 18 0 0 1 1.5x 3y
4 SS CA theman234 42.43 99.61% 2,806x 4,006 497 10 1 0 3 1.45x 4mo
5 SS CL Arkener 42.28 99.15% 2,494x 3,582 894 33 2 1 5 1.5x, Mirror 4y
6 SS TH My Yamm Gods 42.18 99.51% 1,437x 3,994 508 8 1 1 5 1.45x 2y
7 S US Kidsbtw 41.51 98.85% 1,291x 3,450 1,024 23 8 4 8 1.5x 7mo
8 SS PE DaZeRo5 41.20 99.53% 1,863x 3,640 868 6 1 0 2 1.4x 5y
9 SS AR Luchito 41.06 99.48% 1,119x 3,944 559 4 4 1 5 1.4x 5y
10 SS TR MeinerTK 40.79 99.37% 2,181x 3,772 710 29 4 0 2 1.4x 3y
11 S KR Shupogaki 40.76 98.95% 1,640x 3,743 724 31 8 3 8 1.45x 8mo
12 S US pepperonipeesah 40.54 98.46% 1,010x 3,728 706 54 9 3 17 1.5x 1y
13 SS US MasterSwl 40.43 99.22% 2,172x 3,913 556 40 2 2 4 1.4x 1y
14 SS PH Cracker 40.11 99.62% 3,762x 4,050 459 3 1 3 1 1.35x 4y
15 SS BR Church 40.06 99.07% 2,324x 3,572 878 61 5 0 1 1.4x 1y
16 SS HK lll333lll222 40.05 99.59% 2,835x 3,799 705 11 1 0 1 1.35x 5mo
17 S KR Girls frontline 39.73 98.53% 1,246x 3,704 739 48 7 6 13 1.45x 5y
18 S US OwOMythical 39.67 98.91% 1,309x 3,377 1,088 38 6 1 7 1.4x 3y
19 S TH celesteria 39.64 98.09% 923x 3,460 940 89 6 2 20 1.5x 5y
20 S TH PantsuThief 39.54 98.86% 1,583x 3,700 760 39 5 3 10 1.4x 5y
21 S MX Ray271 39.48 98.83% 1,155x 3,523 947 31 0 3 13 1.4x 3y
22 S CA Albert 39.44 98.81% 1,276x 3,393 1,066 45 3 4 6 1.4x 5y
23 S US ERA Puzzle 39.40 98.80% 1,452x 3,676 784 37 5 3 12 1.4x 2y
24 S US Unvoled 39.31 98.76% 1,759x 3,374 1,093 33 4 6 7 1.4x 3y
25 S CN codename AF 39.28 98.75% 2,281x 3,039 1,390 86 1 0 1 1.4x 1y
26 S KR ARG SoapDroppa 39.17 97.90% 1,076x 3,330 1,033 131 8 5 10 1.5x 4y
27 SS LV noobsstter 39.12 99.68% 4,106x 3,938 570 8 0 0 1 1.3x 1y
28 SS GB QC Yashikii 39.11 99.20% 1,899x 3,832 654 20 1 4 6 1.35x 2y
29 SS US Jeyci 39.10 99.20% 2,030x 3,758 726 24 1 5 3 1.35x 4y
30 SS FR Bumpinho 39.03 99.65% 3,565x 3,850 659 6 1 0 1 1.3x 4y
31 SS MX zemyro 39.01 99.64% 2,590x 3,915 588 13 0 0 1 1.3x 4y
32 S AU Spartan 38.80 98.54% 1,194x 3,544 898 54 3 4 14 1.4x 5y
33 SS MX Dexito 38.77 99.05% 2,227x 3,563 915 28 2 4 5 1.35x 5mo
34 SS TW Raybu 38.69 99.02% 1,764x 3,729 751 21 3 4 9 1.35x 4y
35 SS FR DragonSonic 38.65 99.49% 2,567x 3,836 655 23 1 0 2 1.3x 5y
36 SS CN zxh 38.33 99.35% 2,758x 3,410 1,085 20 0 1 1 1.3x 5y
37 S CN gluefly 38.31 98.33% 899x 3,529 895 68 7 7 11 1.4x 5y
38 SS DE ElectroYan 38.27 99.32% 1,891x 3,579 910 23 1 0 4 1.3x 5y
39 SS US BMS 38.26 99.32% 1,629x 3,785 710 12 1 0 9 1.3x 5y
40 SS RO robby250 38.23 99.30% 3,880x 3,526 952 38 0 0 1 1.3x 5y
41 S CN ppy nmsl 38.17 98.27% 1,718x 3,232 1,143 135 1 2 4 1.4x 5y
42 S US mvje 38.14 98.78% 1,973x 3,396 1,053 56 4 4 4 Mirror, 1.35x 5y
43 SS AR spark 38.13 99.26% 965x 3,876 608 22 2 0 9 1.3x 5y
44 SS JP osyawo 38.11 99.25% 4,517x 3,519 949 49 0 0 0 1.3x 3y
45 SS KR gaesol 38.03 99.22% 1,905x 3,587 898 26 0 3 3 1.3x 5y
46 S US RayCurse 37.90 98.16% 1,291x 3,103 1,310 77 13 5 9 1.4x 2y
47 SS US NejiDragneel 37.90 99.16% 2,292x 3,537 945 24 6 2 3 1.3x 2y
48 SS PL Klodaa 37.87 99.15% 3,233x 3,539 925 49 1 0 3 1.3x 3y
49 SS US Hubert 37.82 99.13% 1,571x 3,809 678 16 2 5 7 1.3x 5y
50 S CA ALC AdrianLazer 37.74 98.09% 818x 3,565 857 59 9 7 20 1.4x 2y