Punai Punai in Wonderland
rissyuu feat. choko

Created by: Spartan
Submitted: almost 4 years ago
Last updated: almost 4 years ago
Source: BMS
speedcore bofu15 maximum violence
BPM: 271
Length: 2:09
Passes/Fails: 2 / 3

"Jumpstream stamina? In my Spartan map? Shaking my head…"

Stamina-based jumpstream and jumptrill transitions, for your anti-farm stamina needs.

This is actually one of the very few charts where I just made it because I felt like making it. No inspiration here!

No background, mainly because there is no good resolution background for this song, please help

Go support 立秋/rissyuu! - https://soundcloud.com/rissyuu | Original - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wdsHp1bSPvQ&feature=youtu.be

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