Rejected [Voiid Chronicles] [Slowed]
LordVoiid 虚空

Created by: ShawKhanDeezNut
Submitted: over 1 year ago
Last updated: over 1 year ago
Source: FNF: Voiid Chronicles
FNF, Matt, Voiid
BPM: 255
Length: 4:36
Passes/Fails: 209 / 286

The hardest song from Voiid Chronicles so far (until the vip version of this song comes out I guess).
This is without a doubt my favorite song from the entirety of Voiid Chronicles, period, there are a lot of songs that I really enjoy but this one just hits different, it is sadly not possible for me to chart the entire thing at normal rate since i'm pretty sure nobody would be able to pass the song so I slowed down the song by 0.35x (so just increase the rate to 1.35x if you want to play the song at it's original speed).
Have fun playing and vibing :D

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